These are the rules for the For Sale or Trade forum. They are here to protect both the buyer and the seller. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. We accept no liability for the items being sold here. It's up to you as a buyer to vet the seller and their item(s) they have for sale.
Now that that's out of the way, let's make some deals!
- Bulk or vendor sales are allowed but keep it to one thread per vendor and keep it to this channel. Hawking goods in other sections of The Pit is not allowed.
- No illegal products or stolen goods of any kind are to be posted for sale here.
- Specify FS (For Sale), FT (For Trade), or WTB (Want To Buy) - or spelled out- in the title.
- Be sure to post all relevant information such as item, price, and location in the title (or references like your eBay ID profile that shows you're a respected seller, if applicable, in the post body).
- Post a price if you wish to sell something and also indicate if the item is for sale on another site (e.g. eBay or Amazon). You may post a link to other sites where your item is featured. Don't ask people to make you an offer without listing a price. It is OK to state the price is negotiable.
- Notify a moderator immediately if you suspect a buyer/seller is trying to scam you. We will not help you resolve the issue but we will review the facts and circumstances of the deal to determine if the individual should maintain privileges to buy/sell.
- (Private Sells) Once an item is sold the seller must provide the buyer with shipping (tracking information) via private message and mark the item as sold in his/her thread.
- (Private Sells) Once the sell is complete let us know in the thread and notify a moderator that the deal is complete. We will then lock the thread to let everyone know the deal is done.
- (Private Sells) No trashing folks' items they have for sale. If you don't like the item or the price, silence is appreciated and expected.
- (Private Sells) If you wish to sell an item you must create your own unique thread. For example, do not post in someone's "FS Big Green Egg (BGE) Mint Condition" topic that you also want to sell your BGE.
- If your item is no longer for sale, or sold, etc, please tag a moderator (Jerod Broussard, Spinaker, or Huskee) and we'll close the topic for you.
Now that that's out of the way, let's make some deals!