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Simpsons Grill

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    Simpsons Grill

    Found this on Ebay. Out of my price range, but the thing is really cool! Click image for larger version

Name:	E5D17255-DA52-4C38-8918-35323843FCE4.jpeg
Views:	458
Size:	30.8 KB
ID:	1064156

    $500 ? They must be out of their minds.


    • GolfGeezer
      GolfGeezer commented
      Editing a comment
      But it is extremely "Rare". Says so, on the internet, so it must be true!

    • RonB
      RonB commented
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      FireMan - they only need to find one buyer who is out of their mind.

    Offer $450.00 ha ha ha ha ha.


      Or 20 bucks...


        Who the hell cares about having The Simpson on your lid? And that color
puke green? No way. I wouldn’t use it if it was free.


          If it was Bugs Bunny....maybe.
          The Simpsons....meh, never been a fan.


          • Panhead John
            Panhead John commented
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            What would be cool though
.Yosemite Sam holding a Dino rib.

          Originally posted by Panhead John View Post
          Who the hell cares about having The Simpson on your lid? And that color
puke green? No way. I wouldn’t use it if it was free.

          In all fairness it is one the most popular tv series in TV history, and the longest running scripted show (32 seasons and counting). The color is nasty though. haha


            Eric2662 I hope you didn’t take my comments as against you or your post. Not at all. Just the idea of asking $500. for that ugly grill. I’m familiar with The Simpson’s, and they do have a ton of fans, even though I’ve never watched it. Glad we agree on that color though.


            • Oak Smoke
              Oak Smoke commented
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              Dude watch them! You may well find you identify with some of the messes they get into. I remember an episode where Marge called Homer to warn him someone was going the wrong way on the freeway. His reply was, one? there are thousands.

            • willxfmr
              willxfmr commented
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              Hol up a sec there Tex. You have never watched The Simpsons? YOU KIDDING ME? You ARE the Bart Simpson of The Pit. I would think you owe it to yourself to meet your cartoon doppelganger.

            I'm sure a bunch of Simpophiles have already started a bidding war, but that thing looks beat up. I wonder how many times that lid has hit the concrete.


              I’d buy a grill with this on it, but again, would be better with his gun in one hand and a big old rib in the other hand. Captioned 
..Come And Take It

              Click image for larger version

Name:	02631C47-C535-4DB3-86A9-5431117D2EB7.jpeg
Views:	403
Size:	34.1 KB
ID:	1064243


              • smokin fool
                smokin fool commented
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                Smoked wabbit

              • smokin fool
                smokin fool commented
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                Oppps wrong guy....smoked bucktoothed varmint



              • 58limited
                58limited commented
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                Yep, that's a lot of dough the seller is asking for. Makes ya go "d'oh!"
                Last edited by 58limited; July 21, 2021, 02:14 PM.

              There's a Smokey Joe version for $60:


                Originally posted by Panhead John View Post
                Eric2662 I hope you didn’t take my comments as against you or your post. Not at all. Just the idea of asking $500. for that ugly grill. I’m familiar with The Simpson’s, and they do have a ton of fans, even though I’ve never watched it. Glad we agree on that color though.
                Not at all my friend! I was just adding to the discussion. I figured you were being playful.
                And yes, the color is absolutely hideous.


                  Hahaha and $95 to ship


                    Been watching the Simpsons since season one and I wouldn’t buy that. Well, I stopped watching consistently after season 10 because it started sucking after that.



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