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Worth the cleanup?

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    Worth the cleanup?

    Looking for some help to determine whether it is worth purchasing a used Primo Oval off Craigslist.

    I currently am in the market and very much want a kamado. I am also willing to take my time and spend some money on the right purchase, but if I can save some cash and bring some life into a used setup I am happy to do that as well.

    I have very little information on the grill except a few pics, lady said it was her late husbands it is an hour drive for me so don't want to make the trip if its not worth committing. She is asking 200$ - I am assuming I will need to replace all the grates and get some accessories - what else should I be keeping in mind? Would you all even consider this?

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    If it were me, I would pass, especially since you mentioned the willingness to spend money on a good grill. The catch on many of the ceramics on the market is the warranty does not transfer. If you’re looking at a primo, consider waiting a bit, save your $ and get a new one, they’re rumored to have some improvements, ie new hinge, cap and others.


    • LA Pork Butt
      LA Pork Butt commented
      Editing a comment
      I agree. The warranty is worth much more than people often estimate. I have a large BGE going on 11 years now and have replaced the fire ring and the bottom part under the lifetime warranty. Replacing those two items out of pocket would have cost me about 2/3 the cost of a new one. It also looks like that might be a Primo Junior.

    I'm a big fan of Kamadoes. I think au4stree nailed it here. In the 4 years I've had my Kamado Joe I've used the warranty twice. I have friends with BGE's who have also used their warranties. I don't have first hand experience with a Primo, but I would expect that cracks can happen with them also. If you're willing to take a chance Rutland makes an excellent high temp caulk that's easy to use if it should crack.
    Last edited by Oak Smoke; April 22, 2020, 03:22 PM.


      That looks to me like some built up crud flaking off the inside. A lavalock gasket is probably less than $20. If I had the chance I would jump on that Primo. Of course, I have a Junior Oval 200, so I might be a little biased. See if you can talk her down a bit. If I saw that on Craigslist it would be in my backyard in no time!


        Originally posted by Oak Smoke View Post
        . In the 4 years I've had my Kamado Joe I've used the warranty twice. I have friends with BGE's who have also used their warranties.
        This... is not a recommendation for those products.

        Look, I love good support, I really do. But the best support is support you never have to use because the product doesn't have problems. Second best are non-serious issues. Hearing you have needed to invoke the warranty 2x in 4 years because it cracks? I'm running to another product at that point.

        OP - I'd pass. IF you could drive on over and see if the cracks are built up crud vs structural, I'd do that. But a 2 hour round trip... eh.


          Thanks all for the feedback. Going to pass on this one. Will update with a direction I end up going.



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