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Questions for Aeropress users

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    Questions for Aeropress users

    Looking for a little advice or info from those that use an aeropress and grind their own beans. I currently use a keurig machine and a 3 "cup" Bialetti Moka Pot. I use 2 keurig pods to make 12 oz coffee (6 oz setting each pod), strong, and add the contents from the moka pot to give me about 16 oz coffee. I want to stop using the keurig machine.

    I started looking at French presses and through researching, found the aeropress. Wife doesn’t drink coffee often so this would work for me, one cup at a time. For those that use the aeropress, how do you like it? And, how much better than keurig machine and pods is it? Please stick to taste, not how much better for the environment it is - I kinda get that already.

    Also, if anyone can recommend a good internet coffee roaster that sells beans in the bag and roasts per order, please let me know. Thinking of using JavaPresse. They roast, bag, and send out beans within 2 hrs according to their website and are Fair Trade certified plus they will send me a free manual grinder with my first order.

    Not sure about roasting per order, but Sunergos Coffee is my go-to:


      I have one. It is definitely a material improvement in flavor if you are awake enough in the morning to use it.

      My mom has bought me a year of this coffee place.

      Coffee Club taking you on a world tour of amazing coffee. Single-origin coffee from a new country each month. Travel the world of coffee

      We are about 9 months in and it is pretty fun. You can customize the coffee to your tastes and it is very flavorful. A good step up from even quality grocery store stuff (we drink Aldi brands mostly) as even branded coffee and generic is pretty bad compared to Aldi.


        Originally posted by kjbarth View Post
        For those that use the aeropress, how do you like it? And, how much better than keurig machine and pods is it? Please stick to taste, not how much better for the environment it is
        I like the Aeropress. I think it gives you more room to play than a Keurig: the keurig (almost always) makes the same cup each time, so it's pretty consistent. With the Aeropress you can manipulate bean, roast, grind, time, water temp, and water quantity. Once you settle on those things, you can also get a consistent cup.

        I used to use a French press. The Aeropress is pretty much like that, but it's easier to make one cup, and easier to clean afterward. And, it's compact enough that I can travel with it (back when we used to travel).


          I only use an Aeropress and love it. It's easy to use and clean. And it makes a great cup o' coffee once you get it dialed in to your specific taste.


            There are tons of roasters. If you have something local, I'd look at that. Oddly, some coffee geeks feel that beans with some age after roasting improve (hit up for extreme geekiness but also some really good thoughts on roasters.) Be aware that most of the people there seem to like lighter, so called third wave coffee.

            On topic - if you have a tea kettle, look at pour over solutions like the Hario V60 and Clever Dripper. These look like filter holders but they operate a little like a French press with more ease. You put a filter in them, grind and add the coffee, then pour over hot water. Wait a time then you release the water to drip though. Video :

            The filter holder/dripper is cheap. Less so if you need to buy a tea kettle of course.
            Last edited by rickgregory; September 21, 2021, 10:10 AM.


            • RobertC
              RobertC commented
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              I used a V60 for pour over for years, and I still use it when I'm making more than 1 cup. I think the Aeropress and the V60 both allow that "dialing in" of bean, grind, time, and water to get the desired result -- so when I'm making coffee just for myself, I use the Aeropress, when people come over and I have to make a larger volume I use the V60.

            My AeroPress is sitting in a drawer gathering dust. I much prefer using a Bee House ceramic pour over dripper. I'm the only one in the house that drinks coffee and this method is an awesome way to make a single cup of coffee for me to enjoy.


              Thank you all. Some good additional info and and things to look into.


                I use the Aeropress every day. I personally like French press coffee better, but it takes longer to brew and clean. So, for me the Aeropress wins out. Makes a good cup, very easy to use. Not ideal if you want more than a cup or two though.

                You might want to see if there are coffee roasters in your area. Guaranteed to get fresh that way.
                The roastery I go to sells for less if you pick up ($12 a pound vs 14-16).


                  I use Aeropress most days with water 175-195 from electric kettle. Seems to have a sweeter taste than some of the other methods though I haven't explored them all. I like french press but Aeropress is way easier to clean.. I roast my own beans (another story). Never tasted any Keurig that came close. When my roaster was out of service I got coffee from Intelligentsia in Chicago- better than I can roast myself and way more expensive.


                    The Aeropress has *almost* entered my house many times, but I haven’t clicked "buy" yet. After years of French press coffee I switched to pour over using a Chemex earlier this year. I’m very happy.

                    One of the things that always bothered me about the idea of the Keurig is that you can’t see or smell the coffee until after you brew it. Who knows what quality of beans are in there? With pour over I get precise control over bean source, grind, water temp, etc. And I love taking a few mins in the morning to relax and look out the window while I’m taking an active roll in making coffee.

                    There’s something to be said for looking at the grind while looking at nature; smelling the beans while you pour water over them; and tasting a cup of perfectly brewed coffee.


                      Originally posted by Santamarina View Post
                      The Aeropress has *almost* entered my house many times, but I haven’t clicked "buy" yet. After years of French press coffee I switched to pour over using a Chemex earlier this year. I’m very happy.

                      One of the things that always bothered me about the idea of the Keurig is that you can’t see or smell the coffee until after you brew it. Who knows what quality of beans are in there? With pour over I get precise control over bean source, grind, water temp, etc. And I love taking a few mins in the morning to relax and look out the window while I’m taking an active roll in making coffee.

                      There’s something to be said for looking at the grind while looking at nature; smelling the beans while you pour water over them; and tasting a cup of perfectly brewed coffee.
                      Do you use a paper filter or a screen? How do you find the quality of the Chemex? I looked at it and read some reviews on Amazon (probably shouldn't have) and there were some negative comments about pieces of the glass breaking off or glass cracking when it "tapped" something. Maybe it tapped the floor when it fell off the table. Someone also complained that it was hard to balance and pour using one hand. Its on my list as I've heard a lot more good than bad about it.


                      • Santamarina
                        Santamarina commented
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                        I use paper filters. Tried a reusable screen, but it let too many fine particles through. Paper filter gives you a clean cup…no sediment in your coffee cup!

                        It’s made of borosilicate glass, so it’s pretty tough…though I’m certain it would "chip" if it fell to a tile floor! 🤣

                        Pouring with one hand is easy for me, though I often use two hands out of habit…when I first started using it I had a rotator cuff injury and couldn’t lift my arm, so I developed a two hand technique that I still use!
                        Last edited by Santamarina; September 25, 2021, 07:17 PM.

                      I purchased an Aeropress after reading the positive comments about it on the PitMaster Club and I must say it exceeded my expectations. The coffee tastes much smoother than from our Keurig. I have since purchased one for my daughter and two Go Travel Aeropress', one for our camper and one for the office. For coffee I get whole bean Breakfast Blend from Boyer's Coffee out of Denver.


                        I have an aeropress that I use in regular rotation among a V60, French press, and moccamaster. The only thing I don’t like is the inverted method, I had a mishap that involved almost boiling coffee water exploding all over the place so I got the Prismo espresso attachment after that. Other than that, it makes excellent coffee especially if you are just wanting one cup.

                        I’m not jittery! You’re jittery!


                        • bep35
                          bep35 commented
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                          Inverted method?

                        Thanks everyone. I have owned an Aeropress for a few years now, yet I still came down with a case of MCS (More Coffee Stuff). V60 should be here on Saturday.



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