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Summer Shandy for summer weather

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    Summer Shandy for summer weather

    I enjoy all types of beer, just as I enjoy all types of music- I appreciate the subtle and not so subtle differences of each type. But I find myself stocking up on Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy in the warm & hot months. It has a refreshing lemon zing, yet not overpowering or sickeningly sweet (like Shock Top's lemon Shandy--too sweet), on top of a smooth lager. It's just different enough from straight beer so that if you don't want a "beer" per se, it works. Yet it's similar enough to beer that if you crave a "beer", it works! There just happens to be a twelve pack in my fridge now. And a lawn that needs mowed, and chicken to put on the smoker for dinner the twelve pack will take a slight hit as the afternoon progresses.....
    Last edited by Huskee; June 26, 2014, 12:46 PM.

    I know Shooter McGavin and one point told a bunch of folks to, "Go back to your shanties!" Probably something different. I've not had an alcoholic beverage since August of 1995. Year before that, maybe drank twice. I think I got it all out my system ages 12-17. I guess it was more forbidden at that point in life.


      Yes, sneaky kids tend to get it out of their system early. I was there. Now I appreciate the flavors of the different brews instead of just trying to slam them back to impress fellow 16 yr old buddies. Oh, to be a kid...


        Ever made your own? Simply pale lager and lemonade 50/50. Surprisingly the cheaper beers (bud, coors, corona) work better than craft beers.


        • _Keith
          _Keith commented
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          And that right there is why I find shandies distasteful. If I wanted diluted beer, I'd drink Coors.
          I suppose if I thought of it as amped-up lemonade, it doesn't seem so bad ;-)

        • Huskee
          Huskee commented
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          @Keith- Leinenkuegel's Summer Shandy doesn't taste diluted. It is not that they add half lemonade. It is flavored with lemon(ade?) but it is full strength beer and carbonated after flavoring, so it's gooooood! I have tried other Shandies and none are as good IMO as Lenie's. Sam Adams Porch rocker and Shock Top's lemon shandy are too thick and sweet IMO, Leinie's is perfect, lemony, and still beer! FWIW.

        • Huskee
          Huskee commented
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          @pojo- Nope, haven't. I have mixed feelings about that.

        I'm not a fan of shandies. In Michigan, the summer beer of choice is Bell's Oberon. I love the stuff and it's always a huge deal in April when it begins to arrive at the stores.


        • 3DJ
          3DJ commented
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          Agreed. Even in Ohio we know it becoming Summer when we start seeing it here. Bell is a seriously GREAT craft brewer across the board. I hold them in high regards even if they are in Michigan ;-) -Go Bucks!

        I love Bell's! Oberon and Two Hearted are some world class beers! The problem is, they are sipping beers to me and I like the easy guzzlers on those hot lawn mowing days!


          I can guzzle Oberon but I agree regarding Two Hearted. But yes, when cut the grass the lawn ends up littered with cans of Bud or Miller Lite...and maybe 1 bottle of Oberon used as a primer. ;-)


          • Huskee
            Huskee commented
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            I hear you on that, I'm a High Lifer myself. You've inspired me, I need to pick up another pack of Oberon, it's been too long.

          I love two Radlers for summer. Boulevards lemon ginger and stiegl grapefruit. But if you haven't tried a Gose for a summer beer, look for Anderson Valley Gose as it's most prevalent. If you get Westbrook even better


            I could never find Summer Shandy

            last summer... I think I know a place that might have it now... Looking forward to trying it.


              I prefer a local "baseball style" beer. They crafted this for our local AAA affiliate.



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