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Important breakthrough in the science of beer

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    Important breakthrough in the science of beer

    From Live Science:

    "When you pour a glass of beer, a frothy cascade of fizz rises to the top; as more and more tiny bubbles coalesce, they form a nose-tickling layer of foam.

    At first, that frothy stream of carbonation seems endless. But just how many bubbles can emerge from a glass of beer before it goes flat?

    Gérard Liger-Belair, a professor of chemical physics at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne in France, had previously explored this effervescent subject in Champagne, calculating that one flute produces about 1 million bubbles. Recently, Liger-Belair peered into the depths of beer glasses and found that they produce twice as many bubbles as Champagne — with up to 2 million bubbles popping in a half-pint glass, according to a new study.

    While the quantity of dissolved CO2 in beer is "a key parameter" for understanding this, the geometry of the glasses that hold the drink also plays an important part, "so that we can easily imagine modifying some beer and glass parameters for a better overall sensory experience," he said.

    "We believe that the beer industry could benefit from more knowledge about bubble science," Liger-Belair added."

    <BURP> Probably doesn't apply to PBR.

    Sound like a bubble counter to me. 1 little, 2 little, 3 little bubbles . . . 2,000,000,000 bubbles per beer.

    Is your beer flat? NO, it has 250,000 bubbles to go.

    I bet he got paid to count all those bubbles too.
    Last edited by bbqLuv; May 13, 2021, 07:26 PM.


      Sign me up for the next counting study. Repeated testing gives more accurate results...I feel up to the task of repetitive pint drinking.


        That sounds about right, when I pour a beer and drink it quickly, I have just under 2 million bubbles of gas, we studied science and women in college, funny the things you remember.....


        • FireMan
          FireMan commented
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          YOU remember that. Nobody else remembers that.

        • Panhead John
          Panhead John commented
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          I drove by a college once.

        Depending on type and temperature, beer has between 1.5 and 5 volumes of CO2 dissolved in it. Yup, that can has about 2 cans or more of CO2 in it. Hence the beer belch.

        Just wait until the eco-nazis come for your beer. Even un-pressurized beer has about 1.5 volumes left over from the fermentation process. Those little yeast, God bless 'em, eat sugar and excrete alcohol and CO2.

        Our eco-friendly future: flat beer, fake meat and your old car stuck in your garage because gasoline is outlawed. From my cold, dead hands! What, me, bitter?!


          Some beer styles have 2.5 to 3 or even more volumes of CO2. Lot of dissolved CO2.

          I brew and keg beer, but have yet to count bubbles in a keg… need to spend a day doing that this summer, maybe by the pool…


          • Attjack
            Attjack commented
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            I've been working on counting the bubbles in a keg for my entire adult life.stay tuned for my findings.

          Or in other words the difference between pssssssst and buschhhhhhhhhhh


            This is why the French lose wars. Stop counting bubbles, just DRINK THE BOOZE!!!


              I'd be interested to find our how American craft IPA's can be made without tasting like PineSol®



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