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Bucket Lists?

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    Bucket Lists?

    I don't know if it's been posted before, but I'd love to see what some of everyone's bucket list bbq joints. I just wanna keep this for bbq, we can always start up one for steakhouse, lol. I mean, those top 3-5 places that you really want to go before ya can't. I got to hit up one of mine, which was Rodney Scott's in Charleston. I also have on my list that I haven't yet: Franklin BBQ, Snow's BBQ, wanna hit up a few of the KC places (been to Gate's so far), and definitely wanna hit up Memphis joints (just don't know which ones yet). How about everyone else? Where are some of your bucket list?

    Snow's BBQ
    Rodney Scott's
    Salt Lick

    Those are just off the top of my head. But I am sure there are many more.

    Make sure to hit up Q39 in KC. Gates is really cool too as is Aruthur Bryants and L.C's


    • Cubbiehawkbbqfan
      Cubbiehawkbbqfan commented
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      Rodney Scott’s was amazing! I definitely gotta get to Snow’s. I’ve wanted to try Q39, heard great things! So many places that ya just don’t think about.

    Any or all of the big names in Texas. Never been to any of them. I lived in KC, St. Louis, and NC for plenty of years so I’m good there. Been to Memphis, Nashville, Louisville, etc many times on business so been to most there. So I need a trip to the Lonestar State.


    • Cubbiehawkbbqfan
      Cubbiehawkbbqfan commented
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      Same about Texas. Wanna hit a few up when I finally go down to get my cooker when it’s finished! I need to do a weekend KC run for bbq and hit up a few more. Tried Sugarfire in STL, it was good. Need to do a tennessee run!

    Everywhere in TX
    Big Bob Gibson's Decatur AL - right down the road from me. Don't know why I haven't been. I used to work near there
    Rodney Scotts
    Fox Bros Atlanta


    • Cubbiehawkbbqfan
      Cubbiehawkbbqfan commented
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      Wow, how have you not been Big Bob’s yet??? Go try it and let us know! I wish I tried Fox Bros when I was driving back from Atlanta.

    I have no bucket lists of restaurants. On the other hand, I would like to cook with people that can tell me the love and methods that they have adopted that makes their food different. I don’t have a list per se, but. Always keeping my focus towards those that cook in these ways. I’d rather go learn stories, then eat from a bulk cook experience. People are always more interesting to me then food. The food story tellers. Tell me why, then I will know how.
    Last edited by Richard Chrz; May 27, 2021, 02:05 PM.


    • Cubbiehawkbbqfan
      Cubbiehawkbbqfan commented
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      I completely understand that train of thought…but until I get the chance to cook with em, I’m gonna go support em!

    • Richard Chrz
      Richard Chrz commented
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      Absolutely, just not bucket lists items for me personally. Does not mean that I would not enjoy them, and even learn from the experience.


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