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Top US cities for BBQ?

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    Top US cities for BBQ?

    This is a good example of why I take reviews with a grain of salt.

    Photo: Chef’s Pencil


    Texas Monthly

    Yes, we've seen the "Top Cities for BBQ in the US"

    map. Our official statement is "LOL."

    Last edited by Mark V; May 13, 2021, 12:15 PM.

    AHAHA... I was going to say "Seattle" sarcastically. We have a few good places here now but those are all new in the last ~5-6 year as Q has caught on. Historically, we had zero good BBQ places.


    • Attjack
      Attjack commented
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      Yeah, this list doesn't look legit just based on Seattle's inclusion.

    Panhead John and the whole Texas Posse probably had a coronary reading this and all those stars in their great state, then realizing they are for Oklahoma! Poor, downtrodden Texans.


      No Memphis? Nothing in Texas? What a joke.


        Yes sir. When I’m looking for great BBQ joints, I always go to Trip Advisor first. What a f...,,,joke.
        Not one Texas city? Hey Troutman What’s your take? Care to chime in? Yep, first place comes to mind when I’m thinking BBQ.....Newark or Miami. I guess if those clowns did one for best Mexican food they’d pick Salt Lake City or Des Moines, Iowa.
        Tune in next month for our best Cajun/Creole hotspots.........Tucson, Arizona and Nome, Alaska........ IDIOTS

        Last edited by Panhead John; May 13, 2021, 01:04 PM.


        • bbqLuv
          bbqLuv commented
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          Where is IDIOTS? I never tried IDIOTS Cajun/Creole (BBQ?).
          Do they have BBQ in Texas? How about the following:
          *Black's Barbecue (Lockhart)
          *Franklin BBQ (Austin)
          *Smitty's Market (Lockhart)
          *The Salt Lick (Driftwood and Round Rock)
          *Louie Mueller Barbecue (Taylor)
          *Kreuz Market (Lockhart)
          *Snow's BBQ (Lexington)
          *City Market BBQ (Luling)
          *Cooper's Old Time Pit BBQ (Llano, Fort Worth Stockyards, New Braunfels, Austin)
          *Stanley's Famous Pit BBQ (Tyler)

          May have to plan a road trip.
          Last edited by bbqLuv; May 14, 2021, 06:26 AM.

        • Panhead John
          Panhead John commented
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          bbqLuv Road trip? Uh, I heard there’s one coming up soon.

        • bbqLuv
          bbqLuv commented
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          I keep suggesting to the wife a road trip through the south, you know a BBQ run.
          Life keeps getting in the way.

        No KC?


          WooooHooooo VA beach! Take that Texas!


          • bbqLuv
            bbqLuv commented
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            Texas is a large state and the explains why you gave VA Beaches one smiley face and Texas gets eight.

          My Residency, If you must know,
          Remember the Best BBQ is the BBQ you like!
          Therefore, the best state for BBQ is in your State of Mind.

          Happy BBQ to you.


            If you take reviews with a grain of salt, is that sea salt, table salt, coarse salt, rock salt, or a Saltlick?
            Is rock salt or a saltlick a grain of salt?


              Whoever came up with this is a complete moron. Nuff said.


              • Panhead John
                Panhead John commented
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                I agree Steve, but I was really hoping for more commentary. 🥸

              • FireMan
                FireMan commented
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                Nuff said!

              UPDATE: Trip Advisor has just named Houston, Tex. and Albuquerque, NM as the Top Two Cities for New England Clam Chowder!
              Last edited by Panhead John; May 13, 2021, 01:08 PM.


              • bbqLuv
                bbqLuv commented
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                Bacon in Clam Chowder.

              • Troutman
                Troutman commented
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                That's "clam chowdaaa"

              • bbqLuv
                bbqLuv commented
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                willy commented: ". . . the chowder features beets" Never heard of beets in clam chowder,
                recipe, please.
                Last edited by bbqLuv; May 14, 2021, 06:22 AM.

              So I looked up the tripadvisor page for BBQ in Seattle ( and... I think the above image is an accurate representation of the ratings, it's just that the ratings are trash.

              For example, Brileys. It's perfectly decent joint. If you're in the area and want competent Q, it's fine. But if a place like Aaron Franklin's or Snows is a 5, this is a 2.5-3 or so. Not a 4.5. That's NOT a hit on Brileys - it's way better than chain 'que etc. But it doesn't live in the 90th percentile.

              The ratings are basically just way too generous and it doesn't look like the image above filtered for number of reviews so 2 reviews, on 4 and 5 star mean the place gets 4.5! Um.. no. Oh and the link above includes Korean BBQ which a lot of places here actually do quite well but is VERY different than what people usually mean.
              Last edited by rickgregory; May 13, 2021, 01:10 PM.


                When I see nothing in Texas, and Memphis left off the map, I know the map is meaningless! Heck, I've had BBQ at places in Texas that are not on the official list of great Texas que that was better than the stuff I get in most states. I am thinking Hard Eight near the airport in Dallas. Last time I was out there, I found it back in an office park type area, and pigged out to my hearts content, then flew back to Alabama the next morning. I've never heard it mentioned in a list of Texas BBQ joints, but what I had was really good. I was happy to find it near my hotel that night for dinner.
                Last edited by jfmorris; May 13, 2021, 02:09 PM.


                • Troutman
                  Troutman commented
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                  No Kansas City.....

                • jfmorris
                  jfmorris commented
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                  I missed KC being left off the map! Sacrilege! Someone must burn!

                • pkadare
                  pkadare commented
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                  KC is 39th and Memphis is 47th (out of 62) and apparently Anchorage has been moved to Arizona.

                You know as much as I love Texas BBQ, it is fun to get y’all riled up. In the service we made somewhat of a sport of getting the Texans frothing at the mouth. This fella just won the grand championship!


                • Panhead John
                  Panhead John commented
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                  Being somewhat of an introvert myself, I rarely engage in those types of conversations.

                • USMCCrashCrew89
                  USMCCrashCrew89 commented
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                  Panhead John of course! A gentleman and scholar, such as yourself, would never be caught in such a BBQ slingin fight such as this!

                This is a good opportunity for the moderators and/or site designers to include a "dislike" button. The list is garbage.



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