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Paprika Recipe Manager Sale

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    Paprika Recipe Manager Sale

    The Paprika apps are currently on sale again:I can't stress enough how much I love this app. I use it both on my Windows box and my Android device. Love, love, love it.

    Alright, alright, I bought it for iOS. Admittedly I’m more of a non-digital recipe type but for all the rave reviews I’ve seen here I figure I should give it a shot.
    Is there any way to get recipes into the app without searching for it through the app? For example I have a lot of recipes bookmarked and the only way I can tell to get them in there so far is to copy each bookmark and paste it in the app.


    • mnavarre
      mnavarre commented
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      Paprika has a share sheet extension, so open the bookmark in Safari, hit the share icon, and find the Paprika icon. It should just work & import into paprika. If you don't see the Paprika icon you probably need to scroll over to More... and enable it there.

    • Andrrr
      Andrrr commented
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      mnavarre Thanks! I knew there had to be a simpler way. That’s such an obvious way to integrate it I’m kind of embarrassed I didn’t think of checking that. Very cool.

    I’m a big fan of the iOS app!


      If you don't have this app, get it! I've got it for Windows, Mac and iOS, and recently got my wife on board with it as well, when she found out it could scale recipes AND generate a shopping list sorted by area/aisle of the grocery store. We put a dozen of her Thanksgiving/Christmas recipes off old pieces of paper in, she decided how many batches of each she was making (not all dozen!) for 3 different gatherings this week, and boom! Shopping list. On my iPhone (and hers), and we checked stuff off as we went through the store last night.

      The cool thing is the browser that is built in too, and how it can download and import recipes so easily. I only had to actually type of 3-4 of her old recipes, as most were printouts from different websites, and had the URL on the page.


        How useful is the app if you are making food and can’t touch your phone due to dirty hands?


        • pkadare
          pkadare commented
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          How useful is a cookbook if you are making food and can't touch the pages due to dirty hands? If you use a tablet or computer most recipes will be on a single screen. I use my phone all of the time in the kitchen and if I need to touch it, I simply rinse and dry my hands first.

        • STEbbq
          STEbbq commented
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          pkadare well, printouts can be one time use and ruined as needed. I am coming to the conclusion the phone is more the issue as I usually need to scroll for the helpful pics of the cooking process. Plus, my phone usually goes to the power save mode after 30 seconds, forcing me to constantly touch it.

        • pkadare
          pkadare commented
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          STEbbq nope, Paprika, when in the foreground on a phone disables the screen timeout feature.

        You don't have to touch your device. When open, the device stays on. I'm baking right now using my tablet. Propped on counter. Look at recipe and bake/cook.

        Here's what I'm talking about.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	20211123_112932.jpg
Views:	241
Size:	133.6 KB
ID:	1131140

        Last edited by RichieB; November 23, 2021, 10:31 AM.


        • STEbbq
          STEbbq commented
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          Andrrr yeah that’s ideal. Also using voice to tell the phone to scroll but I don’t know how to do that or if it is available.

        • RichieB
          RichieB commented
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          I used my phone tonight for a roasted garlic potato recipe.

        • pkadare
          pkadare commented
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          For the Serious Eats turkey breakdown once I scroll to the beginning of the instructions, I only needed 7 touches on my phone to cover the whole thing. I may have a little turkey juice on my hands when doing this, but I can either rinse my hands before touching my device, or clean the screen when I'm done. Not a big deal.

        Thanks, I saw this sale but almost forgot to get it. I had the Android app and now I have the PC version. It'll be nice editing on the PC.


          I have a tab open to remind myself to pick it up, but I'm procrastinating because I saw that the sale lasts through the end of the month. I do a lot of my cooking from bookmarked recipes but an old bug in Chrome bookmarks set up to be available on both phone and laptop is that somehow some of the bookmarks replicate and you have to scroll through 10-15 copies of the same link in looking for others. Also, I held out as old school for very long before moving from pen and paper grocery lists to a shareable list app. My wife finally dragged me into that about six months ago. I'm thinking I will repay her and make her learn Paprika since I really like the feature of being able to meal plan the week and have the grocery list integrate into that.


          • Andrrr
            Andrrr commented
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            I kept putting it off too. Honestly I came to terms with the fact I was just being cheap. Even if I ended up not liking/using it, the small spend wasn't going to pay any bills. I'm hesitant if it will be a game changer since it's so new but I can see the value in it if you choose to embrace it

          I use the app exclusively. What's the difference between the paid for and the free one? I use the free one.


          • RichieB
            RichieB commented
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            One thing unlimited recipes. Don't recall what the free limit is. I've got about 125 and counting. There might be other benefits but this was worth the money on Android.

          I like to take a photo of a recipe from a magazine or cookbook and Google photos recognize the text. I can then copy and paste it into Paprika with much less effort than typing everything in.


          • kenrobin
            kenrobin commented
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            Thanks for the pro tip!


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