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$0.99/lb pork butts at Kroger

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    $0.99/lb pork butts at Kroger

    A little over a week ago I just happened to be in Kroger and I made my usual detour through the meat department just in case. Sure enough, butts were marked down to $0.99 out of nowhere, so I grabbed two of them for the freezer. I thought it was something that would last for a day or two and then they would be back to way overpriced. But over the past week or so I keep seeing employees filling up that cooler by the case at the same low price, and I just keep buying them. Anybody else seeing this? That ~ 15 ft3 chest freezer I bought a couple of months ago might eventually pay for itself at this rate.
    Last edited by Steve R.; November 18, 2021, 02:39 PM.

    Haha. I went twice to get 49 cent per pound turkeys at Kroger, but I had to buy $25 in additional groceries to get that price. I've not looked for butts, but will make a trip that way tonight.


    • treesmacker
      treesmacker commented
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      Never seen turkey butts on sale... good luck!

    • jfmorris
      jfmorris commented
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      treesmacker Wise guy! Nuk nuk nuk...

    Great deal! Wish they had those in MN!

    I did get s shoulder for $1.49/lb the other day. Pretty good deal too!


      Hey Steve, save a few for me---the closest Kroger is 5 hours away!
      Last edited by Chuppy; November 18, 2021, 03:42 PM.


      • Steve R.
        Steve R. commented
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        Depending on where in Yooperville you are, you must be at least a couple of hours closer to the nearest Kroger than you are to me.

      • Chuppy
        Chuppy commented
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        I did get a turkey $.34/lb for Thanksgiving (from Meijers).

      Not happenin here, at present: $2.99/lb @Dillons(Kroger)...

      $1.99 @Hyvee
      Mebbe next week? I gots me 3-4 in th deep freeze, at present, can wait an see...

      (I always load up+, when they's ¢99)
      Last edited by Mr. Bones; November 18, 2021, 03:19 PM.


        Kroger here is Fred Meyer's will have to check it out.
        Thank you.


        • PBCDad
          PBCDad commented
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          I just checked in online shopping, $3.49/lb

        I’m smoking a couple of butts (in addition to the traditional turkey) for Thanksgiving. I’ve never injected butts but would like to try it. Anyone have any pork butt injection recipes?


          Good price on the butts. There is also some great prices on turkeys in this area as well. We bought an extra one and put it in the freezer. Turkey is good anytime.


          • HawkerXP
            HawkerXP commented
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            Gobble, Gobble! Heck yeah!

          Kroger just made it to Florida and delivers to my address. Shipping is ten bucks but if they ever have a sale I can take advantage of it's worth it.


            Well, I made a special stop and found $3.99 butts. Dang, was I disappointed! Hope you have better luck!


            • Mr. Bones
              Mr. Bones commented
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              check online, next time

            • Caffeine88
              Caffeine88 commented
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              @Mr Bones yeah, so the wife informed me! She has pretty much switched to ordering it all online- saves lines and a lot of time. And disappointment... 🙄

            Not happenin' here! $3.49/lb at the moment.


              $1.99 at the Kroger owed Ralphs in CA. Got me a belly full right now!


              • Steve R.
                Steve R. commented
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                That ain't half bad, either. Really, anything significantly less than normal price is a win in my book.

              Might be late to this thread, but I just picked up a couple of butts for$.99/lb at my local Harris Teeter. Think HT is also owned by Kroger.


                Smart & Final here in California has Pork Shoulder Butt Roast for $1.99lb. and St. Louis Pork Spareribs for $2.99lb. Not bad for California prices.



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