Kroger (Regional) USDA Choice NY Strip $7.99 a pound
This weeks special of note on the weekly flyer for my local Kroger is USDA Choice boneless half NY strip for $7.99 a pound. I picked up 2. Probably a little more fat to trim on these than the USDA Prime ones I used to get at this price at Fresh Market, but its the best deal I've seen on steak this summer. I'll be cutting them about 1.5 inches thick and vacuum sealing a bunch of steaks tonight.
Sale pricing is today (6/30) through July 6. Check your local Kroger weekly ad online at before you bother driving down there.
Love Kroger's (Ralph's to us CA boys). Out here in the west they have Tri-tip (trimmed) 7.99/lb. But it's also up at Smart n Final for 4.99/lb. I'll go over to SnF to pick up a couple.