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New Grill Brush Design

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    New Grill Brush Design

    Max Good maybe you could give this a review. Looks promising.

    Just saw a story today on my local news about a lady having to have emergency surgery to remove a brass bristle from her intestine. Ouch! I too would like to see a review on this new brush.



      Looks pretty cool - Why didn't I think of that??


        @Dr ROK,I'm not sure I would want to use it! They say it's made of GALVENIZED STEEL in the comments after video per Zaven from brush tech .
        Who would use galvanize steel for a food related product?
        "ZAVEN – Special Guest
        5/27/2015 12:39 PM
        @David the springs are made of galvanized steel, they work on cast iron, porcelain, and stainless steel grills. It should work fine on your Weber!"
        Last edited by Powersmoke_80; May 27, 2015, 04:52 PM.


        • oldsteve
          oldsteve commented
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          Thanks for the heads up on the brush being made of galvanized steel. I placed an order on Amazon for it yesterday for when they are back in stock. I promptly cancelled the order this morning. I guess I better start paying more attention to all the details.


        • Powersmoke_80
          Powersmoke_80 commented
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          oldsteve It is not described very well, and after reading comments it looks like they were gouging on shipping also but i'm sure its different through Amazon.

        I like the design, but galvanized is toxic. I have asked Dr. Blonder for his thoughts.


        • Meathead
          Meathead commented
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          Blonder says "Two problems. Zinc coatings are soft and will rub off, and the high heat of the grill will vaporize the zinc. Should be made from stainless, dummies."

        What Meathead says. Plus I wonder how effectively it cleans below the grill surface. Furthermore, I use brass bristle brushes with wood handles and I never had a problem with stray bristles breaking off.


          If you have a large laundry tub just soak your grills in hot water and dish washing detergent for a while - that's what i do. Then scrub them with stainless steelos ( stainless steel wool ) and rinse well. Do not use steelos on chrome plated grills it takes the plating off real quick. Instead use non scratch dishwashing scourer pads and work a bit harder. I have also used brass bristle brushes and wiped with wet paper towels with great results. And yes they should've used stainless - in the comments there was a quote saying the brush will last for years???? Not if it's galvanized .. LOL


            To clean my grates, I bought a $12 hot water heater drain pan at Home Depot. I cut the corner off of a freezer bag to block the hole. I fill up a large pot with water, and bring to almost a boil. I place my grates in the drain pan (can get 4 when stacked) and dump the hot water on top. I put some Dawn in first. Cuts the grease with no issues. After soaking overnight, I use a scotch scouring pad and not much elbow grease at all. Grates come very clean.



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