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New system

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    New system

    So, I am contemplating a different system. I currently have a smoke 2 channel, and smoke x4 4 channel. And a billows. I rarely if ever use my billows. It is not a trustworthy fan for me. I am on my second one sent to me, and still it is not reliable. Also, I generally do not need much assistance in setting and forgetting my set ups. But, it could always be there when I want it.

    It seems as the thermoworks controllers and monitors do nut work with other brands of fans. If you were to buy a new set up today. Which would it be. I’m not super thrilled at all about the idea of a phone or tablet to operate it. But, I understand it may be my best option.

    thanks in advance.

    Not qualified to provide any informed response; strictly analog, an manual here, Sorry, Brother


    • FireMan
      FireMan commented
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      So whut ya mean is ya just jiggle the the sticks/coals a little & watch em eh?
      My choice BTW.

    • Richard Chrz
      Richard Chrz commented
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      That is my preferred method, although I do like to know the temps of fire and meat. Maybe when I have a bunch more experience, I will not even care about internal temp, just fire temp. Someday, goals right?

    I use a Fireboard and Pit Viper fan. Only time I had a problem is when I reversed the plugs. DUH on me.


    • Richard Chrz
      Richard Chrz commented
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      Seems to be most popular in here. Which carries some weight.

    • ofelles
      ofelles commented
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      Same combo

    • willxfmr
      willxfmr commented
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      That's the setup I use on the WSM. Very happy with how it works.

    In the I know nuthin department, does Ol Dave at SnS have a solution with his temp gear?


      I'm thrilled, generally, with my FireBoard 2. I run a first gen FireBoard fan with it and a Drive cable, both left over from my FB 1. If I was going to start again from scratch (no existing equipment) I think I would get a FireBoard 2 Drive and a Pit Viper fan.

      Edit: It does require a phone or tablet to run the thermometer and fan, but the app and interface are very well executed.
      Last edited by Dewesq55; August 21, 2021, 12:09 PM.


        If you do not want a app or fan, I’d second the new SNS thermometer.


          I have the BBQ Guru 1st generation PartyQ, and it has be reliable for me. they no longer make it and have replaced it with a newer model. My other controller is a Smobot which I think only works on Kamados. The Smobot had a dedicated controller which can be coordinated with by tablet or phone if you would like but is not necessary. I think that is how most controllers now work. If you can monitor your food on the ThermoWorks without a blower, then you should be able to simply add an independent blower. If that is the case picking up an old Party Q would fix that. The Party Q operates on batteries, but I converted mine to electric. New they cost about $100.


          • Richard Chrz
            Richard Chrz commented
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            I’ve been looking at the ultra q. Surprised to not see more reviews on it here. Other then the main one on the free side.

          • LA Pork Butt
            LA Pork Butt commented
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            Richard Chrz I think it has been available for less than a year.

          i bought the signals and bellows 2 weeks ago and the as i posted earlier first cook ok. 2 second cook fan stop for 10 min. and then started . 10 min. later lost heat probe , was reading -47. third cook after getting a replacment heat probe lost a meat probe(2 cook) and fan stopped again. today i recieved a new replacement themoworks signals and bellows. also the lid detection did not shut off the fan all the time and if you set the set point to 400 and then reset it to 325 it drops all the way to 304 and then starts to gain to the set at 325. it was beteen the fireboard2 and the signals. so i am interested with what the guys have to say.


          • Richard Chrz
            Richard Chrz commented
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            I’ve only read horrible reviews on the signals and billows. Sorry you are experiencing similar. I fell in love with the 2 channel smoke and went blindly in love into the next level, and now regretting not doing more research before going billows. I think the entire fault in my set up is the fan engineering in of itself.

          • Planner47
            Planner47 commented
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            i noticed that the new probes they sent me they are figure 8 wraped and the L shaped probe is placed parallel to the figure 8 raped cable that the wire is pinched at the place the wire goes into the l shaped probe. i was told that they have been having trouble getting electronic components. so i do not know if this is part of the bad reviews they have been getting!

          That said, I have had this one for 18 months and 50 cooks or so now and it works very well. No frills - just monitors temps via an app and simply works.

          Inkbird Bluetooth Grill BBQ Meat Thermometer with 4 Probes Digital Wireless Grill Thermometer, Timer, Alarm,150 ft Barbecue Cooking Kitchen Food Meat Thermometer for Smoker, Oven, Drum


            I’m going on my 3rd or 4th year with my original Fireboard. I had a pair of probes go bad this spring and replaced them and added the Drive Cable and the fan. Very happy with everything and although I want to replace the original with the new version, It won’t quit and watch it from inside the house with my phone so the bigger screen isn’t much help.


              Resistance is futile, just buy the Fireboard 2 Drive and be done I’ve had such good luck with a FB1 and FB2 Drive I have to fight myself from buying a FB Pro. I use the Pit Viper fan too, but I put more into the right setup for your cooker instead of the brand of fan. For the kettle though, the Pit Viper with their Weber adapter is probably best.

              I love my Thrmapens and Pops, but rarely hear good things about Smoke and Signals other than support if it breaks. I also saw someone on here recently say BBQ Guru recently obsoleted older models of their devices by no longer having mobile app support for them. Maybe it was RonB ?


              • RonB
                RonB commented
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                Yes - it was me, and you are correct Sir.

              Can't help I have a pellet grill. Set it and forget it. So far everything turns out good to great.


                I've been using the FireBoard and pit viper for a couple years now without any issues at all. I would highly recommend this setup.


                  Have BBQ Guru DigiQ with pit viper fan, no issues for 5 yrs. upgraded to CyberQ 3 years ago (recently replaced by UltraQ) for multiple meat probes & no issues. Regularly use one or the other depending on number of probes needed. Both appear to be bulletproof & more importantly for me…idiot-proof.


                  • Richard Chrz
                    Richard Chrz commented
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                    I could not find where ultra q offered more then 2 probes. What am I missing?

                  Sorry, I'm naturally asperated as well.



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