SnS XL Back!!!! (for a limited time, pre-sale only)
Guys, at least for a limited time, it looks like the SNS XL is back for you 26" kettle owners! Looks like it is a pre-sale only event, so they are just going to make enough to meet demand, so I would order it now.
I was lucky enough to find one new in the box from a member on here awhile back when I was looking. I love the design, which has a nice solid base with holes, like the SnS 2.0 for 22". Much easier cleanup after a cook, and sits securely on the grate. I chose to go big AND go home.
Last edited by Steve R.; January 31, 2020, 09:11 AM.
Yeah, wish I had a 26" kettle and I would order this. I would order it if I thought I was getting a 26" kettle down the road even, but right now the 22" serves my needs well most of the time, and I need a bigger dedicated smoker more than another kettle right now.
It's like the time I bought a fairly high end 12' wide electric projector screen for $20 when the church was getting ready to move into a new building and was selling off some unneeded equipment. I had no use for it at the time, but I knew that would be one of the most expensive things about setting up a theater room in the house, if that day ever came (it didn't, but don't let that discourage you. lol).
Come to think of it, I have a similar history. There was a good deal on a high end tripod and I bought it even though I had nothing to put on it. I did, eventually, mount a spotting scope on it though.
Primo Oval xl
Slow n Sear (two)
Drip n Griddle
22" Weber Kettle
26" Weber Kettle one touch
Blackstone 36†Pro Series
Sous vide machine
Kitchen Aid
Meat grinder
sausage stuffer
5 Crock Pots Akootrimonts
Two chimneys (was 3 but rivets finally popped, down to 1)
cast iron pans,
Dutch ovens
Signals 4 probe, thermapens, chef alarms, Dots, thermapop and maverick T-732, RTC-600, pro needle and various pocket instareads. The help and preferences
1 extra fridge and a deep chest freezer in the garage
A 9 year old princess foster child
Patience and old patio furniture
"Baby Girl" The cat
I of course love smoked meats of all kinds, but also like quick cooks like chicken portions, pork tenderloins, steak and fish. Really into cooking of all kinds.
My outdoor kitchen has a Lone Star Grillz Adjustable and it is wonderful. There also is a Pit Boss 5 Burner Ultimate Griddle.
There is an outdoor fire pit that has grilling capability and limited Santa Maria-style grill raising and lowering.
Sigh. I'm ready to pull the trigger to get the one piece I need custom fabricated in a local machine shop so that I can drop an SnS into my ancient Kamado #9. I just checked one more time, and the grill surface is 24.5" in diameter, so the XL is a no. I'll just have an inch and a quarter gap around the outside of the SnS surface.
In my old beast, the fire sits a full 18 inches below the grill surface. I will admit I haven't yet tried a reverse sear on it, but pulling the meat off and cranking open the vents to get it blazing still leaves the meat a long way from the flames for the sear. Meathead's tutorial on reverse searing doesn't give me much confidence this would be a good setup.
I'm on my own this weekend. I have a nice ribeye in the freezer I may thaw for that experiment for my Sunday lunch. Could save me some $$.
Jim White 18" is a LONG way from the fire to the cooking grate for sure! Would there be any way to wedge a higher level charcoal grate in there for when you are cooking steaks and want a good sear? I am thinking something like a Weber grate or charcoal grate from Home Depot, sitting up on some bricks or something to elevate it.
jfmorris That's why I think just making a duplicate of the hanger that the heat deflector sits on at 6" below the grill so that there is the 9" of clearance the SnS needs is my best bet when I'm cooking something I want seared. Might as well get it to the ideal spot. And then low and slow still works in original config.
I thought I was all set, but now maybe I need another one to run my Ranch. I rig up a little wall with fire bricks currently, but that is no fun at all to clean up afterwards.
I generally run one on one side and one on the other with the meat in the middle. I have run both kind of end to end on one side too. Running wide open with about half a chimney to start I usually easily run at 225 with one but if I want to cook at 275 it helps to have both cranking.
Keep hounding Dave. Maybe they'll do a limited release of the Low Profile SnS. One can always hope Do you still have your XL? Still no luck at finding someone to cut it down a bit?