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Seriously considering a hinge for the kettle.

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    Seriously considering a hinge for the kettle.

    Cause you know I gots to check and take so many pictures. : BBQ Lid Hinge : Patio, Lawn & Garden

    I wonder if having a hinge makes the kettle unstable. I'd love to see a good hinge modification for a 26 inch Weber Kettle, because that lid would be really heavy for someone with puny arms like mine!



      Yeah you would need a ceiling pulley with counter weights.

      I'm sure it gets top heavy....


      • DWCowles
        DWCowles commented
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        Jerod Broussard you ain't right 😂😂😂😂😂

      • Jerod Broussard
        Jerod Broussard commented
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        If offering sound advice ain't right I don't wanna be right.

      • fzxdoc
        fzxdoc commented
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        Hahaha, Jerod Broussard . I'm sure my husband would love attaching a pulley to the deck ceiling. It could do double duty, hauling me out of the PBC after I tumble in trying to get the ash out.


      I figure you open the lid towards that leg thingee and not b/n the wheels. Since it comes out farther, I'm sure there is a physics type explanation for it involving a fulcrum.


        If there was only someone here that understands physics and could offer some sage advice... But who?


        • Breadhead
          Breadhead commented
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          The David Parrish ... Is our physics expert. Maybe he will chime in.😁

        • fzxdoc
          fzxdoc commented
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          Who indeed...


        That looks like a great idea for my 26" Weber. Right now I have to use two hands when I move the lid. I don't think there would be a balance problem as long as you mounted it where the existing lid holder is. I'd order one, but its on the pricey side.


        • oldsteve
          oldsteve commented
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          Both my 22" Weber Performer and the 26" kettle have the lid holder factory installed.

        • Jerod Broussard
          Jerod Broussard commented
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        • David Parrish
          David Parrish commented
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          The Weber Master Touch and Performer models have the ring.

        I think about this every time I take my lid off and figure out where to put it. It always seems like that hook deal on the inside of the lid is ALWAYS on the opposite side when I take that SOB off the grill.


        • Jerod Broussard
          Jerod Broussard commented
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          I have plenty room for the lid, just would be more convenient, and yeah, that hook deal moves on mine.

        The hinges are cool... but here is another option (the performer has something like this already)
        Weber Slide-ASide #8411 as pictured and described is the replacement for Weber part #16116 which will fit all Weber 18.5" and 22.5" Charcoal Kettle Grills.


        Jerod Broussard I agree the 22" kettle needs a lid holder like the performer has. The lid just rolls off the side into the cradle.Too bad they don't sell it as an accessory,that one on amazon IMO is just to pricey. Thought about building a table like the performer has and incorporating a lid holder in it with maybe a couple skate board wheels mounted too the table at lid height.


        • Jerod Broussard
          Jerod Broussard commented
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          This week I moved an old wooden end table that was in the den next to the kettle . It has pulled lid duty ALL day. It will work for now. I'll watch for a sale on those hinges.

        I really don't have room for a table for the lid, and flat surfaces seem to get taken up with all kinds of other things when cooking.

        I run my temp probes through the top vents, so the lid can't go very far from the kettle either.

        A hinge sounds like a good thing. I just saw those on the review site.


          Those little lid hooks are next to useless IMO. The wire bar Weber lid holders are nicer. I think setting the lid on a deck rail is easy so I stick with that...if you have a deck rail that is.


          • Danjohnston949
            Danjohnston949 commented
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            Huskee, 2nd time for this comment didn't take 1st time? But back on track, We too have a deck rail that I have set the Weber lid on, but I have come to understand the error of my ways: First- The Grease Rings left on the Railing, Second-The additional work required to hammer out the dents and kinks when the lid fell off +- 7 feet, Finally having just had a new Cedar deck built to replace the old one I plan too eliminate this problem all together! I am just undecided whether a new Weber Performer Deluxe or a Hinge of some type is the better answer and damned Hard for an Old Scotchman to come to the Proper Answer! Dan

          I have the hinge I bought through here from somewhere for my 22" WSM. I have not installed it yet because Im wondering if there is a best spot for the exhaust vent to be? There is a leg in back opposite the door so that is where I will mount on the body for stability.

          Lately I have been using the fuse starting at the left of the door and running around to the right side of door. Been making a half circle for the 9hr smokes. So as the heat is really on 1 side of the smoker at a time I wonder if the vent placement over the heat side will make a hotter side? My thinking is as the water pan is in the center and if the coals and exhaust vent are on the same side the heat would go straight up that side more for a hotter side. I have used the donut also and this method has heat all around.

          I have moved the location of the exhaust vent the last two times as the fuse cooked on to stay opposite the fuse. I guess I should run a fuse and place the four probes around the rack and monitor the temps and move the lid around to see if there is hot spots or not.

          Anyone have any thoughts on this?


            It'd just be a dihedral door like Koenesiggeggigenigin... Had to go cut and paste: koenigsegg. First little bit picks it up, next bit rotates it down to it's normal resting position.



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