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4 Probe Thermometers

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    4 Probe Thermometers

    Are there any good 4 probe Thermometers on the market that don't use Bluetooth and don't require me to leave my phone connected to the probe like the iCelsius seems to do?

    I think the Maverick ET-735 has 4 probes


    • Breadhead
      Breadhead commented
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      It does and you don't have to use the blue tooth feature. I can't imagine why you wouldn't want to though?

      I don't use my iPhone I use my iPad.

      I sit in the house and watch what the pit temp is and see how the meat is progressing.

      For long low and slow cooks I also use my DigiQ Dx2.

      Those 2 devices make a 16 hour no peek cook easy.

    • Drbearsec
      Drbearsec commented
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      Bluetooth range isn't great, which is the problem. Plus it drains battery faster.

      I looked at the newer icelcius but I don't want to plug the probes directly into the phone
      Last edited by Drbearsec; July 2, 2015, 08:06 AM.

    Alas, the 735 is both bluetooth and requires your smartphone.


    • The Burn
      The Burn commented
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      Breadhead - bluetooth isn't the most consistent over distance. It can be good for shortrange things like earphones and hands free cellphones, but not much more. Newer bluetooth claims up to 100 feet, I think, but I've not known anybody with that experience. That's why a wi-fi connection is preferred
      Last edited by The Burn; June 30, 2015, 09:20 PM. Reason: {Forgot the Maverick was RF - don't like it much either}

    • Drbearsec
      Drbearsec commented
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      What do you use Burn?

    • The Burn
      The Burn commented
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      Drbearsec - I use 2 Mavericks, which work fine to my patio or living room, but I couldn't use them overnight because the signal drops out in the bedroom. I'm still hoping someone will tell me that the 735 has stronger bluetooth or that a good wi-fi solution will appear.

    Funny that this subject came up bc I just order the ET-735 yesterday.


    • Breadhead
      Breadhead commented
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      DWCowles. I've had mine for about a month. You'll love it. Did you order the extra 2 probes?

    • DWCowles
      DWCowles commented
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      Breadhead Yes I did. I will be using it on the two PBs and a Wagyu brisket cook this weekend.
      Last edited by DWCowles; June 30, 2015, 11:44 PM.

    The standard RF of the 732s states 300' (100yds) reception. I get a good 70yds in my yard when I put the receiver(s) in a tree when I'm out mowing. I'm not at all interested in Bluetooth for my circumstances. Wifi, absolutely it it were available.


      Originally posted by Huskee View Post
      The standard RF of the 732s states 300' (100yds) reception. I get a good 70yds in my yard when I put the receiver(s) in a tree when I'm out mowing. I'm not at all interested in Bluetooth for my circumstances. Wifi, absolutely it it were available.

      It's a shame they hamstrung the ET-735 with bluetooth. Wif or RF capability and a program to record temps over time would have made it a very desirable product. As it is now my ET-735 is collecting dust and I keep reaching for my trusty ET-732s.


        Originally posted by Pit Boss View Post

        It's a shame they hamstrung the ET-735 with bluetooth. Wif or RF capability and a program to record temps over time would have made it a very desirable product. As it is now my ET-735 is collecting dust and I keep reaching for my trusty ET-732s.
        Agreed. I actually emailed Maverick a while back explaining us bbq folk need a 732 & 735 hybrid with either the RF or preferably Wi-Fi so it'd be compatible with apps, phones, tracking and so on. They said they'll put it in their box for consideration. I hope it's true. 736 would be nice, 4 waterproof probes and Wi-Fi...but option for its own receiver like 732.


        • The Burn
          The Burn commented
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          And a bottle opener :-)

        • David Parrish
          David Parrish commented
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          The Burn I believe that as your, "There, Fixed it!" moment. Now we need Jon Solberg to stop by with an appropriate GIF.

        Don't have any experience with this, but I was surfing the web and found this tonight. Sounds like they also have waterproof probes. Kinda pricey, but maybe it's worth it if they last and are accurate.


          Hmmm... I'm close to computer illiterate. Maybe that's a good thing because I love what the ET 735 has been doing for me the last month. The saying ignorance is bliss... Just might be true.

          Blue tooth is better than no tooth! My DigiQ Dx2 does a good job but I have to go out to the smoker to observe what it is doing. Now that I have the 735 I put one probe right next to DigiQ pit probe and just track that from my family room.


            Originally posted by Pit Boss View Post

            It's a shame they hamstrung the ET-735 with bluetooth. Wif or RF capability and a program to record temps over time would have made it a very desirable product. As it is now my ET-735 is collecting dust and I keep reaching for my trusty ET-732s.

            Yep... I would love the Wifi or RF like on the 732 or 733 but also be able to collect data...

            Ideally, a wifi enabled system that can I can receive on my iphone and get alerts on if I hit threshholds and the ability to record my temps


            • Letmebefrank
              Letmebefrank commented
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              That is exactly what Tappecue does, and it also has a graphing feature which is useful, but like you point out below, it does need to be plugged in.

            Interesting... just not sure I want to be tied to electricity...

            Originally posted by Dr ROK View Post
            Don't have any experience with this, but I was surfing the web and found this tonight. Sounds like they also have waterproof probes. Kinda pricey, but maybe it's worth it if they last and are accurate.


              Tappecue does have four probes and it works well. The cons are that it needs to be plugged in and requires WiFi to work. Not an issue for me the way my cooking area is set up, but it could be.


              • Drbearsec
                Drbearsec commented
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                So close... the electricity part worries me...


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