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Maverick 732 and DigiQ pit readings differ by +10*!

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    Maverick 732 and DigiQ pit readings differ by +10*!

    Both of these units have a reputation for being spot on. I calibrated the DigiQ a couple weeks ago. The probes were on a probe tree, less than an inch apart, in a Big Green Egg, which is well insulated and thus is more of an oven.

    Now, I've gotten over being too picky about the difference between 225* and 235*. Different parts of the grill will be different, the idea is low and slow, not 225* exactly. But I think one of these is, or both of these are, wrong. I wouldn't say that if the probes were in different parts of the grill, or if they were at vastly different differences from the grate. Thinking about it as I write, I probably should have switched their positions to see what would have happened, but regardless, I had this issue before I calibrated the DigiQ.

    How should I proceed with testing? And if I am sure that there is a problem, how do I determine which is right? My first thought is to test the 732 in ice water and boiling water, like I did the DigiQ, and then test them both in the oven, switching the probe locations to see how they match.

    I'd put them in an oven right next to each other. My second probe for my Auber is almost dead on with my Maverick. The original was just a tad off, but consistent.

    Once I see how consistent things are, then I set the alarms on the Maverick and go about my business.



      If you had them right next to each other and got a different reading. That sucks. I'd test both in boiling water at the same time. Then put them in your kitchen oven like Jarod said. If they are real close at that point you're good to go. I have the DigiQ Dx2 and a Maverick ET 735. Yesterday I smoked 3 racks of last meal ribs. I put the DigiQ pit probe on the regular grate. I put a Mav probe on the higher grate I had about 6" above the regular grate.

      At the start of the cook there was a 21° difference between the probes. As the cook went on and the heat stabilized at 230° the 2 were exactly the same.

      I've never hooked them up side by side before. I think I'll test that next time I smoke something. Probably going to do my first chuckle tomorrow or the next day.

      I'll let you know how my test goes.


        I test my probes in ice water, and then in boiling water.

        We know the temps of both mediums.



        • Breadhead
          Breadhead commented
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          I've never bothered with the ice water test. I'm always using them above 200°.

        • Mosca
          Mosca commented
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          I think the ice water part helps to define what a degree is, though. The difference between the two is important because it helps set the numbers further up the scale.

        I used to worry about that, now I don't really care, I cook pretty hot so I don't even care if it is 20-30 degrees off. Once I get close I use my thermopop which is always right. I cook to tenderness as well, sometimes that's 210 sometimes 190 so as soon as it starts getting up there I check regularly. If I cook something for 10 hours, there is no way an extra 15 minutes or 5 degrees takes it from perfect to garbage.


        • Mosca
          Mosca commented
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          Yeah, it's not the cook that's driving me nuts, it's the thought that one of the instruments is whack. I'll test them tomorrow and report back.

        Nothing a little brain power can't solve.

        The Maverick probes both read 210* in boiling water. I'm at about 1500' above sea level, so that's close enough to 209.1* for barbequeing.

        The DigiQ DX2 read 218* on the food probe, and 220* on the pit probe. So there was the problem. And, I have to absolve the good folks at DigiQ, because the reason was that I didn't follow the directions carefully when I calibrated it.

        The DX2 gets calibrated by setting the zero first. You enter the calibration menu, which is flashing "zro". You put the probe in a slurry of ice and water, then press "up" or "down" until the probe reads 33*. The next step, you set the span, by getting the calibration menu to "spn". You then put the food probe in a pot of just boiled water, and press "up" or "down" until the probe reads 211*.

        I didn't set the calibration menu to "spn", I left it at "zro" when I set the upper temperature bound.

        So that's it. Reading comprehension, along with crappy eyesight in a crowded kitchen working off an iPad that the screen keeps dimming on because I have it set for 1 minute. Or, tl/dr, user error. Controlled flight into terrain.


          @mosca... I appreciate you telling me there is a setup calibration test. I never read the instruction manual.

          Today I cooked a 1 3/4" steak Choice Ribeye steak. Because of this thread I decided to mount my DigiQ Dx2 and my Maverick ET 735 on the grate, side by side and put a meat probe from both inside the meat side by side.

          The difference at the start of the cook at the grate level was 9°, the DigiQ being the lower of the 2. The difference in the meat temp was 4°. Again the DigiQ being on the low side.

          But... Towards the end of the cook they were exactly the same.

          I have no clue how or why that happened that way. I'm going to actually read the direction for both devices to see if I can make them really accurate.



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