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Any problems with Maverick ET - 733 probes?

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    Any problems with Maverick ET - 733 probes?

    My second probe just went out on my Maverick ET - 733. I have only had it for a couple of months. At $20.00 a pop this can get crazy expensive. I have two ET - 733's One is brand new and the batteries that came with it were no good. Anyone else having these problems? I feel like I always have to have a back up probe for both Mavericks in case they go out. Not very good quality control here.

    Have you tried drying it out in an oven? Many people report that issues with the probes turn out to be from moisture. Placing the probes (but not the plugs!) in pre-heated oven and letting them dry out has restored them to working order.


      How are you cleaning them Guy? Are you submerging the probe in water? Not a good idea. Best to just clean the probe end and stay away from where the wire goes into the probe.


      • Medusa
        Medusa commented
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        This is exactly how I clean my probes. Moist sponge, don't go near where the cable goes into the probe. Dry immediately. Store in padded envelopes.

        Also remove batteries from units after use. Ever notice when you put the batteries into the receiver it beeps because it is on?

      Medusa , Ed, that's some good advice. I haven't gone to the extent of removing the batteries but will do so in short order here. My remote unit could be barely read after only a couple of uses; so now I just keep extra batteries on hand. I also use a hot water tap to rinse off the probe tips just prior to use and far up enough to make sure they are sterilized . Water temp is 175+.

      Guy Guy, are yours the standard 3' length or the 6'?,


      • Guy
        Guy commented
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        Ray they are the standard 3 foot probes.
        Last edited by Guy; March 1, 2015, 05:28 PM.

      • Medusa
        Medusa commented
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        I've had 2 sets of dead batteries if I've left them in the units for a week. You could imagine my horror when I tried to use them for a 2nd time after the initial purchase and the receiver didn't come on. I think the receiver is the real culprit when it comes to eating batteries.

        Lessons learned.

      • Medusa
        Medusa commented
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        You might want to consider (2) 6' hybrids when the budget allows it. I haven't used the 3' that came with it. 6' gives plenty of room if you need to stretch.

      Yes I know not to submerge them I just use a wet towel of paper towel. However the black won't come off that way. Does the black matter? It is not gummed up black. Mostly on the barbecue probe.


      • Guy
        Guy commented
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        Dr ROK should the black bother me?

      • Guy
        Guy commented
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        Huskee yes I would agree with you but I have not had mine that long.

      • Dr ROK
        Dr ROK commented
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        Guy, the black shouldn't really make any difference unless it is built up and thick.

      Just got the probe out of the oven and plugged it in to the WSM with ribs cooking. Works perfect. The weather is misty and cold here mist is going with the wind. Relative humidity is 98 %.


        I'm really glad that worked for you Guy


          Great results! Once again, the pit shows its value..networking and shared experiences.


          • Guy
            Guy commented
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            Ray, Amen to that.

          I use ball of aluminum foil to clean them, every once in a while I bring them into get some careful dishsoap.

          Like Jerod I don't clean and sterilize mine. I can be OCD about some things but that is not one. Any bugs get incinerated on the next cook, or when the bugs in the meat gets killed, so do the bugs that were on the probes.

          You might be thinking 'what about when you do a 130 steak? Bugs aren't killed until 140+?' After every cook I take the probes out and they sit on the grate nearly overtop the coals of blistering heat which sanitizes them while the grill cools. Any residual bugs that form between cooks are killed during cooking. I scrape gobs & crust off with foil, because that is just gross to leave on, but bacteria don't survive the next cook.
          Last edited by Huskee; March 1, 2015, 09:32 PM.


            After I put a little food grade gasket sealer where the cable goes into the probe I haven't had any problems with moisture.


            • Medusa
              Medusa commented
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              There is a thread somewhere on this site that discusses sealing the probes ( maybe even started by @DWCowles) There are pictures and several suggestions.

            • Guy
              Guy commented
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              Ed, yes I read it and it was from DW. I am going to find it again. Thanks everyone for your help. This site could teach a college course in barbecue.

            DWCowles, Do you remember what you named the thread that discusses sealing the probes?


              Ray Might have solve a problem with the Maverick probes



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