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ThermoPop Tale

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    ThermoPop Tale

    Did anyone else see the ThermoPop review on Amazon from the guy who stuck the ThermoPop in the turkey then stuck turkey in oven? Of course it melted, then exploded, ruining the turkey (and probably the oven). He claims there was no warning on box that this was NOT oven safe and Amazon is at fault for selling such inferior products! Are some really this stupid or is this just a ploy for a big buck lawsuit?? Unreal

    I thought that was the point of it being called and instant read. Yes, some people are dumb, but it's not their fault it's always someone else's isn't it. Like people suing tobacco companies when they get lung cancer...


    • Medusa
      Medusa commented
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      These are the same scientists that try to use a product for some purpose it is not intended for, and then give it a bad review.

    • Dewesq55
      Dewesq55 commented
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      So, just for the record, I sue people for a living and we probably should agree to disagree about most of these issues, but I will say that, yes, some people really are that dumb. And it often IS their own fault, but not always. OK. I hope to never speak on these issues here again. I like being here too much to risk being thrown off. :-)

    • Huskee
      Huskee commented
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      @ DEW, we understand. Different perspectives are what make us tick. We'll let you stay, even if you are a lawyer. (Lol, meant with only respect and fun!)

    Ya know, thinking back, we've had some fairly off the wall executions of MH's recipes. No one in The Pit, mind you, but there have been some interesting comments on the main site.


    • Jerod Broussard
      Jerod Broussard commented
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      NO DOUBT!!

    • Huskee
      Huskee commented
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      I like the ones where people go: 'I made your [insert recipe here] except I didn't use the chili powder, or the beef stock, and i doubled the sugar, and I didn't have time to marinate it like you say, and i couldn't get my grill up to temp, and my family hates salt so i left it out and it tasted TERRIBLE, you really shouldn't put recipes on here until you test them'


      'I don't have a grill or an oven, but I volunteered to cook thirty six briskets for little league. How would I do them on the engine of my truck?'

      You get the idea. Sometimes dumb seems contagious.

    Those all sound terribly familiar...


      While I usually read reviews or recommendations for products I plan to purchase, especially from this site, I intensely dislike recipe reviews because as Huskee points out, they didn't review THE RECIPE. But then, these are probably the same people who want to sue the scooter or roller skate companies 'cuz their kid crashed and skinned a knee. But he was wearing a HELMET! We need to let kids be kids again and learn from their own mistakes. Somehow my sister and I survived swimming in ditch water with water skippers, (the big river was off limits until we were older), climbing the hills, playing in caves, knowing rattlesnakes were around, bringing home coyote pups, riding neighbors loose horses bareback playing cowboy, not coming home 'til dark or we heard Mom call. Doubt my folks ever thought any wreck we ever had was anyone's fault but our own.


        Remember what Ron White says folks: You just can't fix stupid. A co-worker of mine has another one: you just can't coach that kind of talent. I just wish that all those times I spilled HOT coffee on myself going down the road that I would have known it wasn't MY fault! It was those nasty folks that sold me the coffee. I could have been rich....alas, now they warn you it's hot.....oh well.....


        • Huskee
          Huskee commented
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        When watching a slow motion train wreak or circular firing squad (usually just after the train wreak) at work, I just think to myself, "Not my circus. Not my monkeys."


        • ontheranch
          ontheranch commented
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          the key to survival lol

        This guy is definitely the top contender for this years annual Darwin awards!




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