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iGrill 2

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    iGrill 2

    My new digital thermometer should be delivered today and I will try it out this weekend on my new Yoder stick burner. I will let you guys know what I think after a couple of runs. Have a great weekend!

    Cool. I just received an ICelsius as a gift. Graphs RULE!!!!!


      Welcome to The Pit toetter! Thank you for joining us. I too run a Yoder stickburner. What's your model?

      When you get a minute, here's some homework for you:
      Head over to the Introduce Yourself channel and give us a bio, whatever you'd liek to share- what you like to cook & cook on including your Yoder, what other BBQ accessories you have or even what's on your wishlist.

      Then, check out Pit Boss' Welcome & Announcements channel, as well as the tips posts in that channel. These will help you learn your way around The Pit, as well as set up your signature. There's also a post that explains the best way to post nice big pics here... we like to see bragging pictures of your equipment and your cooks. We look forward to hearing more from you! Enjoy!


      • toetter
        toetter commented
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        I have the Yoder Cheyenne. I just got it about a month and a half ago. After several "test" burns to learn how to manage the fire, i got it all seasoned up and have done 4 cooks on it so far. Last weekend I smoked a 14lb Brisket when it was snowing outside and had no issues with temperature. So far I love it!!

      Any news Trav? I haven't decided if I should upgrade my iGrill to the new one soooooo speak up bro!


      • Huskee
        Huskee commented
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        Welcome to The Pit odie1788! When you get a minute, head over to the Introduce Yourself channel and give us a bio, as much as you care to share. Glad to have you here. Great job on setting up your signature!

      • toetter
        toetter commented
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        So far I have been happy with the iGrill 2. It is extremely easy to read and the probes are well built. The only issue I have had is that when it is paired with my iPhone the range isn't the greatest when I go inside the house. Guess I will just have to stay outside and keep drinking beer while I am cooking

      There you go problem solved.


        I had the same issue with my iGrill. I either have to keep my phone in the kitchen or in the upstairs bedroom. If I go into my living room, I lose the signal. Perfect excuse to build a fire next to the smoker and drink more beer during the winter though.



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