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Thermapen Mk 4 is no more?

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    Thermapen Mk 4 is no more?

    Got an email from Thermoworks today.

    "We’ve got some big news coming... but first we’re closing out our Thermapen Mk4, the #1-rated cooking thermometer on the market. Get yours today for its lowest price of $69."

    I'm all set but maybe this will help someone else. Curious to see what's coming.

    I saw this too. I'm guessing that the new one will be more bigger better, and at a steeper price.


      I'm looking forward to seeing the new thermo. Hopefully, it includes IR and a probe port. Chances are it won't include both though.
      Last edited by Attjack; June 14, 2021, 02:04 PM.


      • surfdog
        surfdog commented
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        FWIW, they already make a thermapen IR.

      • Attjack
        Attjack commented
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        Yeah, but they are only in white. I'm hoping their new flagship thermometer includes IR in multiple colors and in a perfect world the ability to plug in a probe or 2.

      I've been watching this. Curious the classic Thermapens are not on sale/closeout. My suspicion is that the Thermapen IR would become the new premium model.

      Like many of us, I hope they don't mess up the "perfect" product by trying to improve it.


        Way I been followin it, they been anglin t'wards this fer some time, an th recent, repeated mad sales prices on th Mk 4 were ample warnin, kinda like when th front grease Blackstone 36"ers went on closeout sales...

        They gots a Thermapen with IR, now...


        • Attjack
          Attjack commented
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          If the current IR came in blue I would probably already own it.

        All good things must come to an end.


          If I didn’t already have two Mk4s I’d be all over this one. When I got the email, I almost ordered one.
          I might still, need to look at my "gift list."

          I too find it interesting that the "classic" is still available. Perhaps they’re cheap enough to produce..? Still odd IMO.

          Looking forward to their next few emails to see what the big news is...can’t really see improving the Mk4... I just hope they don’t screw it up and/or start making them in China.


          • Deaf Arty
            Deaf Arty commented
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            I already have one, too, but it's a great price for a nice gift. Got one for my daughter.

          • surfdog
            surfdog commented
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            Deaf Arty I hear ya. I have 2 and have gifted 3 already... Still waiting to see what the new one offers. Might need to gift a couple of slightly used Mk4s. ;-)

            And FWIW, well done that you got one for your daughter. I'm of the belief that a GOOD thermometer makes a great gift. Shows one cares about their health & safety AND it will improve their cooking. Not sure how many Thermo Pops that I've given away.

 official release date on the new model. Yeah, I checked. ;-)


            Oh boy MCS is headin' this way.


              Dangnambut. I JUST got a mk4 after getting tired of throwing away the cheap Wally World thermos once or twice a year.


              • Attjack
                Attjack commented
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                But voice control probably will.

              • Mosca
                Mosca commented
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                I don’t think so. I could be wrong, but inertia is a powerful force.

              • surfdog
                surfdog commented
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                I'm with Mosca the Mk4 is still exceptional. So much so that I own 2. One is in my "location" bag that I take to friends & family home when I'm pressed into cooking there.

              Didn't realize so many people really care what color their thermometers are.

              Looking forward to see what their new model offers but I doubt that I'll switch back to Thermapens from my Lavatool Javelins.


              • surfdog
                surfdog commented
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                My main one is orange so that I can find it at a glance. I also have a grey one because they were out of orange when I got my second one. My GF has a pink one that I got her. Both my boys have orange as well...I know this because I paid for 'em. LOL

                When I ran a kitchen, back in the "classic" days...I had several on hand: red for meats, blue for seafood, white for dairy, and green for veg...just in case some numpty didn't clean a probe properly.

              • Attjack
                Attjack commented
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                I have a blue MK4, 2 blue Thermopops, a blue dot, and a red(headed stepchild) Thermopop. When the MK5 comes out I'll likely have one of those in blue too.


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