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What is your Favorite Cookware Manufacturer

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    What is your Favorite Cookware Manufacturer

    I am getting ready to purchase a new set of Cookware. I have looked at All Clad, which is Mh's preferred cookware. I want to stay with stainless and am looking at All Clad, SS, D5 SS, and Copper Clad SS, also the Mauviel, Demeyere, and the Williams Sonoma. I am leaning toward the All Clad SS or D5 SS but am open to comments and suggestions.

    Let me know your thoughts.

    We have the Emeril SS that have the copper sandwiched between aluminum on the bases and we love them. The only complaint is they look like crap if you put them in the dishwasher. They claimed to be dishwasher safe, but no dice.

    We also have several pieces of LeCruset ceramic covered cast iron. They cook great but are heavy as heck and also must be hand cleaned.

    Only use Lodge cast iron on the grill - or for frying chicken. Check out the latest Consumer Reports - they are usually close to being on the money.

    Allclad is overpriced IMHO.
    Last edited by HC in SC; November 24, 2014, 05:20 AM.


      All Clad D5 or tri-ply. Don't buy a set. WS has promo pieces to which you can add some regular-priced stuff. Their 4 at salute/simmer pan is my go-to pan for most everything. Add a non stick pan for eggs and hash, a 4qt sauce pan and that's about all I regularly use. I tried Sur La Table brand tri-ply and while it cooks fine, it doesn't clean up nearly as easily.


        Barry, here is America's Test Kitchen's reviews for three pan categories- Traditional skillets, stainless skillets, and nonstick skillets. They do pretty stringent testing, as described in each blurb. I hope you find this useful.

        Note: their review pages contain many more, these are just their top 3 in each category for simplicity's sake.

        If it's hard to read them, you can enlarge your screen by pressing the "Ctrl" key plus the Shift key plus the "+" key. This should zoom your page. "Ctrl" plus "-" keys will unzoom it back after.

        Nonstick skillet top 3: Click image for larger version

Name:	ATK nonstick reviews.JPG
Views:	132
Size:	74.5 KB
ID:	34191

        Traditional skillet Top 3: Click image for larger version

Name:	ATK fry pans reviews.JPG
Views:	146
Size:	86.7 KB
ID:	34193

        And stainless skillet Top 3: Click image for larger version

Name:	ATK stainless skillets.JPG
Views:	120
Size:	59.6 KB
ID:	34194
        Last edited by Huskee; November 23, 2014, 10:28 PM.


        • Medusa
          Medusa commented
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          I bought the T-Fal based on CI's recommendation. It's one of our favorites. Also have the 10", and an 8" KitchenAid. All non-stick.

          Have several All-Clad skillets - (2) 12", (1) 10", and a StirFry. Don't use them as much, but if I want to Pan Sear steaks, they're choice.

          Love my army of Cast Iron skillets and LeCreuset Dutch Oven

        Now I know why I cook outside on the grills and smokers. If I bought new cookware I wouldn't be able to put anything them


          Originally posted by The Burn View Post
          Now I know why I cook outside on the grills and smokers. If I bought new cookware I wouldn't be able to put anything them
          I hear you. I tend to opt for the T-fal and Good Cook skillets. They work great, are affordable, but when they start aging and declining they're cheap enough I don't mind replacing them. I'm not the type to buy a $100-200+ skillet.


          • Ernest
            Ernest commented
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            Why not buy a $100 skillet and forget about replacing it?

          • Marauderer
            Marauderer commented
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            Tell him Huskee that it would take all the fun out of getting a new one every so often.

          • Huskee
            Huskee commented
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            Ha ha. Well I'm talking nonstick, I've never seen one that pricey and I wouldn't buy it anyway since none will last long enough to make it worth it. For stainless, if I had the cash for expensive cookery I'm still not convinced I'd do it. I did buy a Tfal pro stainless/copper skillet that was maybe $50-60 or so. We love it. That was the priciest skillet I've ever purchased.

            And yes Barry, who doesn't love something new here & there! Nothing nicer than eggs on a brand new nonstick!

          Also wanted to add that my parents have the Calphalon (regular, not SS) on their gas range and love them.

          I have found myself using a Calphalon pannini pan w/ press for everything from bacon, grilled Sabretts to acutal grilled sandwiches.

          I would second what mgartez says about just buying the pots and pans you need in lieu of a whole set - we have a hodge-podge of ones we use regularly and probably 4 or 5 that came with the Emeril set that just gather dust.

          The set is always attactive because it feels like you are getting more for less -- and in some cases you are; but are you really going to use what you get?

          Good luck.
          Last edited by HC in SC; November 24, 2014, 07:12 AM.


            Wow, thanks for all the input. It is all valuable to me. I have cooked on SS for the last 20 yrs and I am very comfortable with it. I have a gas stove top and gas convection/standard oven and I really don't care for electric stoves. At one time I had over $2K worth of Calphalon but decided that I did not want aluminum and anodizing on my cookware. I fry eggs at least twice a week and do fried hash browns from scratch and have absolutely no sticking problems with my ss pans. I also have three different size cast iron pans that are specialty pans for me

            I have a Stainless double set now by J A Heckels and I use them all at least once a month for the stock pots that you can't see on the right in the back. I wash all my pans by hand after every meal. My wife has put the sauce pans in the dishwasher for a lot of years and the exposed cores have oxidized away. That has prompted me to look for a new set.

            I was at the local Sur la Table yesterday and talked to another customer and he was very passionate about his All Clad. He talked at least for 30 min and I bet he has stock in All Clad for the amount of their cookware that he has. I think that the basic ss All Clad is what I am leaning towards and possibly just replacing those pans that are oxidized for now.

            Of course the punch line is my DW doesn't like long term projects and would like me to do a complete change out now and be done with it. I would like to say that this will be the last set of cookware that I buy and eventually my kids can have them or sell them in an estate sale for nothing.

            Please don't think because i am still going to get ss cookware that I didn't value your iinput Like the old saying goes "Different Strokes for Different Folks".

            Now I just need to find the specials on the cookware and the sales. I understand that All Clad has big sales on the 4th of July and Xmas and I will just have to keep my eyes open so I don't spend more that I have to.


            • Medusa
              Medusa commented
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              All I can say is ...

              Real Men Cook! Awesome set! Don't forget the army of Cast Iron to go along with your SS.



            That's quite the kit there Barry. At least yours all match. Mine is embarrassingly eclectic, therefore mine do not hang out on hooks, although my wife would love that.


            • HC in SC
              HC in SC commented
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              Pretty is = Pretty does. We started off trying to make everything match, but somethings just work better than others. Pan frying we like one kind, sauces another, stews another and fried chicken a fourth different brand. We would have all LeCruset, but the stuff is just too stinking heavy.

              We looked at the Allclad when replacing our old and worn out classic Revere Ware, but it was too pricy and the Emeril with the copper slab heats up quicker IMO.

              Now that I think about it we also have a great T-fal wok.

              No set is going to be bulletproof and suit all your needs; why I agree with mgaretz to just buy a piece at a time, unless of course, they are giving away sets on a fire sale.

            • Marauderer
              Marauderer commented
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              HC, I really listen to Mark, we have been together here and on another site since July and I have come to respect his input. I am going to replace the four pans that are pitted first and then reevaluate and see what else I want.

            I own a bunch of Demeyere Industry5 from Sur La Table. I preferred them to the All-Clad for several reasons.

            First, no rivets. The handles are welded on and are strong enough to support a full-grown man's weight.

            Second, the bottoms stay flat when heated.

            Third, I really like the way the layered materials go all the way up to the rim (there's no big temp delta going up the sides).

            Fourth, the handles really do stay cool. That big "fork" works. And they're comfortable to handle when heavy.

            Excepting when I use my Lodge CI "chicken fryer" (which I have yet to use for frying chicken), Demeyere serves me wonderfully.

            Oh, I have some cheap Cuisinart SS that I use on my grills outdoors.


              Originally posted by Huskee View Post
              That's quite the kit there Barry. At least yours all match. Mine is embarrassingly eclectic, therefore mine do not hang out on hooks, although my wife would love that.
              Matching isn't always the best and it is looking like I am going to mix and match the replacements to an extent. I will address that more when i answer another post. And as far a being embarrassed you shouldn't be. I think individuality is great and I have the utmost respect for those that are their own person and I wish I could afford everything I want but, alas, I don't have a large disposable income.


                Originally posted by Ozric View Post
                I own a bunch of Demeyere Industry5 from Sur La Table. I preferred them to the All-Clad for several reasons.

                First, no rivets. The handles are welded on and are strong enough to support a full-grown man's weight.

                Second, the bottoms stay flat when heated.

                Third, I really like the way the layered materials go all the way up to the rim (there's no big temp delta going up the sides).

                Fourth, the handles really do stay cool. That big "fork" works. And they're comfortable to handle when heavy.

                Excepting when I use my Lodge CI "chicken fryer" (which I have yet to use for frying chicken), Demeyere serves me wonderfully.

                Oh, I have some cheap Cuisinart SS that I use on my grills outdoors.
                I really like the Demeyere frying pans for that same reason, no rivets. I had yet to find anyone who had the I5 until you made your posts. I have been looking at them hard.


                  I got rid of our non-stick stuff a year ago and have two Lodge cast iron skillets that have served me well. Like you, I cook on stainless (or cast iron).


                    BC, I like your G-19 accessory!!


                    • HC in SC
                      HC in SC commented
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                      I like it to, but I am partial to exposed hammers. I'd be interested to see how that accessory is used when grilling / smoking - unless you have a range by your pit.

                    Le Creuset and Lodge bare cast iron. I won't touch the coated non stick stuff with a 100 yard pole.

                    This thread just made me realize that I have way too many Lodge cast iron skillets. 1 10" griddle,
                    2 12", 1 10", 1 9", 1 8", 2 6", 1 deep chicken fryer, 1 grill pan......and they all get used pretty extensively.

                    If you really want Le Creuset you really need to visit their outlet stores. Those things are worth every penny.

                    Last edited by Ernest; November 25, 2014, 03:03 PM.


                    • HC in SC
                      HC in SC commented
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                      Ditto on the LeCruset and the outlet. We got our pieces at the one downtown Charleston and it still wasn't cheap. Stuff is heavy as a mofo though.


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