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Topsy Turkey roasting rack

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    Topsy Turkey roasting rack

    Topsy Turkey - Has anybody used the Topsy Turkey rack? I figured it would have been tested in the product review section, but can’t find it.

    Seems like a great marriage of all the best parts of roasting philosophies. . . Great air circulation, breast-side down for self basting (the 20* offset is what intrigues me the most).

    The best, juiciest birds I’ve ever roasted were breast down, but have always done so in a pan, and the breast skin doesn’t crisp, whereas the Topsy Turkey seems as though it would fix that issue.

    Any feedback would be appreciated, especially on durability and stability - I can’t tolerate gadgets that fall over while I’m tending the food.
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    Spatchcocked dry brining produces the juiciest chicken I ever tasted. That gizmo looks too gimmicky to me.

    I fell for it didn't I?
    Last edited by lostclusters; August 12, 2021, 06:35 PM.


    • GolfGeezer
      GolfGeezer commented
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      Yup, I think you did Dude.



      Is it for sale? It doesn't look like the Brooklin Bridge.


        I guess it is real...interesting idea Chicken & Turkey Roasting Rack for Smoker Grill or Oven - 2 in 1 Poultry Lifter Replaces Wire V Roaster Pan or Cannon - Stainless Steel Frame Holder Self Bastes Meat for Cooking Baking or BBQ Smoking: Kitchen & Dining

        They show it used with a pan, which makes more sense then just torching the breasts. Looks like the idea is it will self baste from the internal cavity as juice runs down from the thighs and back.

        That said, I ain't trying it. Spatchcock on the weber does it for me.


          I’ve had this bird rack for years now, I don’t even remember buying it the things so old but it does a great job on holding any bird oven or BBQ.
          Where you’d find one is a mystery to me but a handy item to have.
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          • fzxdoc
            fzxdoc commented
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            I've got one of those too!

          For crispy skin try Malcom Reed’s method of spraying canola oil on the skin every 50 mins or so
          I’ve had really good results using this tip


          • Jerod Broussard
            Jerod Broussard commented
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            I coat mine with spray as soon as it gets Tony Chacherized

          Looks like the breasts would finish too quick with the dark meat not hitting temp in time.


          • Murdy
            Murdy commented
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            Great point, Wasn't someone just saying the other day that you should tie your chickens leg side down for hanging in a PBC or WSM to the breast wouldn't dry out before the legs got done.

          I agree with texastweeter . The breast might dry out with that configuration.

          I'd have the bird the other way around in that gizmo. More like it's reclining on a lounge chair. Its pina colada could be optional.

          Last edited by fzxdoc; August 14, 2021, 07:17 PM.


          • texastweeter
            texastweeter commented
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            I have found that yard birds like carnival rides. They prefer the spinney go round.


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