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What should I do with this Nueske’s catalog?

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    What should I do with this Nueske’s catalog?

    I’m not sure what I did to get it, I’ve never ordered from them. Is it worth looking through? I’m not concerned with the price, it’s always going to be more expensive than the local grocery.

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    What should you do? Order from it.

    Their bacon is good. Not had other things from them


    • STEbbq
      STEbbq commented
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      What do they do special for the bacon?

    • tmaan235
      tmaan235 commented
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      Apple smoke, not injection, what more to say...

    • rickgregory
      rickgregory commented
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      STEbbq - honestly, it's just nicely cured, salted and actually smoked. I think you can make good bacon at home too (I have) but cold smoking like they seem to do (and like benton's does) isn't something most of can do.

      Here's a quick video on Neuske's (start about a minute in)

      and here's one on Benton's
      Last edited by rickgregory; November 30, 2021, 10:27 PM.

    use it for inspiration

    and a fan for perspiration

    it will not help resuscitation


    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
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      or to start a conservation
      with yourself in insolation
      until the day of visitation
      for BBQ and PBR for consumption

    That’s a local company just a little upstate from me. Their stuff is widely available in stores here. All terrific. Buy, buy, buy!


      Best bacon in America!


      • Jfrosty27
        Jfrosty27 commented
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        This 👆
        We had BLT’s with it last night. So very good.

      Their bacon is bomb! I just stopped at the place, Wittenberg a tiny town surrounded by nuthin. It’s about 15 minutes from where I hunt. I scored big with a 10# box of bacon ends, frozen fer $29.64. I am all set fer quite awhile. Their sausages are really good too. You will not make a mistake with an order.
      Last edited by FireMan; November 30, 2021, 07:01 PM.


      • willxfmr
        willxfmr commented
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        Every once in a while you can get boxes of the bacon trimmings at Save a Lot. It is always a special day when I happen to catch them there.

      Well okay then, it sounds like a plan!

      As an aside, while I love websites, there is nothing like a good catalog. I get this one, and Allen Brothers. Even if not in the market at the time, it’s fun to browse!
      Last edited by Mosca; November 30, 2021, 08:03 PM.


      • Andrrr
        Andrrr commented
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        Buy buy buy! The corned beef hash should be amazing but it’s nothing special so don’t spend your hard earned on it. But like some others I’m near Nueske’s HQ and the bacon is legit. I hope it lives up to the hype.

      • tmaan235
        tmaan235 commented
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        Andrrr, agreed. I have a friend that buys the hash by the case, I cooked some and threw it out. Nueskes bacon godly. nueskes hash, not so much....

      I have lived 2 hrs away from them, got introduced to Nueskes bacon in Three Lakes Wisconsin at a rental cabin during a boating trip, never looked back. There is only one bacon now Nothing else compares to me. Sorry it's expensive more than 20 miles away from Wittenburg but still worth the price, oh ya. Apple smoked bacon, smoked, not injected, mike drop. Been told, there is nothing bad there... Sometimes I love Wisconsin


        Their bacon is excellent. I've seen it review high in Food & Wine and the ATC magazine. Their smoked braunschweiger is one of my favorite sausage products anywhere.


        • tmaan235
          tmaan235 commented
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          If you get the chance, i'm told the ham and pork chops are really good too, no personal experience but I do trust the pallets of who told me.


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