New to the site. Looking forward to learning and cooking.
I do have a question for folks.
Did a lot of reading on this site for indirect cooking and using my propane grill for cooking low and slow. So I put a pork shoulder roast on for a 12 to 14 hour cook at 225. Overnight cook after 14 hrs had an internal temp of 190. After 15 or 16 hrs was at 188 internally.
It's -4 to -7 (-20 to -25 celcius) overnight here. I was able to have the grill maintain 235 overnight with 1 burner on. But its chewing through my propane after so many hours.
I've now wrapped the pork in tinfoil and put it back on hoping to get it up to 203 as per the recipe directions.
I'm looking for suggestions since I don't kind a 12 to 14 hr cook. But 16 hours or more seems excessive. Could it dry out? Will I have to always expect a 16 or 18 hr cook even though it only calls for 12 to 14?
any help is appreciated.
I do have a question for folks.
Did a lot of reading on this site for indirect cooking and using my propane grill for cooking low and slow. So I put a pork shoulder roast on for a 12 to 14 hour cook at 225. Overnight cook after 14 hrs had an internal temp of 190. After 15 or 16 hrs was at 188 internally.
It's -4 to -7 (-20 to -25 celcius) overnight here. I was able to have the grill maintain 235 overnight with 1 burner on. But its chewing through my propane after so many hours.
I've now wrapped the pork in tinfoil and put it back on hoping to get it up to 203 as per the recipe directions.
I'm looking for suggestions since I don't kind a 12 to 14 hr cook. But 16 hours or more seems excessive. Could it dry out? Will I have to always expect a 16 or 18 hr cook even though it only calls for 12 to 14?
any help is appreciated.