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6AM and that pork shoulder is on...

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  • Mosca
    commented on 's reply
    You know what, I bagged that idea, and I'm glad I did, after seeing how much grease there was. Instead I took the Pyrex dish (you can see it in one of the photos) and dumped the grease, then I deglazed what was left, the dark brown stuff, and added it to the beans. I don't think it made much difference.

  • Breadhead
    commented on 's reply

    Nice recovery on the soupy beans. Could you taste the fat and rub that dripped into your beans too?

  • Mosca
    commented on 's reply
    Breadhead, I think that cooking higher in the dome made a difference as well; ribs often get dry at the edges, where the heat comes around the platesetter.

    The beans, I had to make some changes. 2 cans of broth made then like thin soup. So I mashed a 3rd can of beans into the mix, added 2 diced potatoes and 2 more bacon strips, and a diced green pepper, and about a tablespoon of chile powder. Then they were great!

  • smarkley
    Very Nice!

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  • Breadhead
    @Mosca... Great cook. I like to elevate my pork butts above the felt line when I smoke them too. How did those beans turn out?

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  • _John_
    Wow that all looks awesome! Gonna get me a PhD in Porcine Prognostication.

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  • Mosca
    Holy heck is this delicious.

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  • Mosca
    commented on 's reply
    1605. Good guess!

  • barney
    commented on 's reply
    I see that bone sticking out...nice color....makimg me hungry.

  • Mosca
    It's almost 3PM and it's at 193*. I'm guessing you are spot-on, John. Off and on thunderstorms all day, and the DigiQ hasn't wavered, 275* rock solid, through rain and sun, when it was 71* at 5:30 this morning and when it is 85* right now. Impressive combo, the DigiQ and kamado.

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  • _John_
    Looks good, at 275 you will have plenty of resting time too. My guess is 203 at 1600.

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  • Breadhead
    Nice... Looks good. I know you were worried if it would fit under the dome mounted up that high.

    I think you're going to have a good cook and great beans.

    Great planning!

    Take lots of pictures for us Egghead's...😎

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  • Mosca
    started a topic 6AM and that pork shoulder is on...

    6AM and that pork shoulder is on...

    Yeah, that big ol' honkin' pork shoulder. Notice, 275*. I guess we want to eat before 9 tonight. I injected it with pork brine (apple juice, kosher salt, sugar, a little Worchestershire, some rub) last night around 10PM, never done that before. It can't hurt, I figure. I'm going to mix up some of those Texas beans later on, put 'em in a pyrex dish underneath and let them catch the drippings. It should come out okay, I think.


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