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Not sure exactly where to put this at this point, but.....

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    Not sure exactly where to put this at this point, but.....

    Saw this on FB. I have not tried it (at least not yet), but it sure looks intriguing:

    Hollowed out pineapple stuffed with boneless country style ribs, rubbed with homemade seasoning and wrapped in thick cut bacon and sprinkled with a light creole seasoning, smoked at 240 for 5hours.

    We call it swineapple
    Last edited by richinlbrg; May 12, 2015, 06:19 PM.

    Don't have access.


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        And here is the picture of the above described


        • Spinaker
          Spinaker commented
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          You should edit the title of this thread so we get more feed back. I was thinking Atomic Pineapple Meat Bomb!!!! richinlbrg

        • Spinaker
          Spinaker commented
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          awesome find though!!! richinlbrg

        Looks like a meat pineapple


          HOW FUN! I've got to try this... but it looks like they laid it on it's side... I wonder if it would be better off standing on end? will have to make two to find out.


            Haha, I was just gonna post about this!!!! I am defiantly going to make this!!! I was thinking about cutting the top off, taking the core out, putting the ribs in, put the top back on, wrap with bacon, and let it rip. I guessing that tooth picks inserted into the top through to the side walls will hold it. I was then planning on roasting it vertically. So the pork on the inside would basically be braised in pineapple juice at the bottom.
            How does this method sound to you guys?
            It looks like he made an incision on the side of the pineapple to get the ribs in there. I would think that all the juice would leak out if done this way. But maybe the bacon seals it back up enough.
            What do Y'all think?



              I'm hitting about 50/50 on recipes posted on Facebook. Some are good, some are... I don't want to say bad. Boring is closer. There's a lot of sameness. Lots of cheese and bacon. Now I look at them and pass, mostly.

              I think this one would taste pretty good, but the pizzazz is in the presentation. I'd almost rather make a good pork roast with pineapple rings and Cajun seasonings, to get that crispy pork fat taste.


                Showed the picture to the wife. Her only comment, "When are you going to make it?"


                  That is pretty neat.

                  My next project, after letting the Auber fan cook me some St. Louis on the kettle, is to debone a picnic, stuff it with garlic, onions and bell pepper, use the Pit Barrel hooks to hook togther, tie up, cover with Tony's Chachere's, and cook the ever-living chrud out of that thing.


                    I will lend you my go pro Jerod,you need to film your ideas so we can follow and experiment with you.


                    • Jerod Broussard
                      Jerod Broussard commented
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                      haha, man I hate videoing stuff. I tried to do a little deer hunting. ugghhhh

                    I've been watching this float around facebook but haven't seen any details as to the How. I look forward to seeing a step by step process


                      Spinaker, Here is how I am going to approach this unless someone finds specific directions.

                      - Cut the top off and core the pineapple.. Then trim off the outside. Will end up with a pineapple that was cored normally but with the bottom still attached. Make sure you don't go through the bottom when coring.

                      - Stuff the pineapple with the rubbed ribs and put the top back on and secure with toothpicks.

                      - Wrap the outside of the pineapple (just fruit at this point) with the thick bacon and secure with toothpicks. Overlap as needed to secure and prevent loss of liquid.

                      - Sprinkle bacon with seasoning of choice and smoke in an upright position.

                      - I would try smoking at 225-250 until a probe in the ribs indicate about 160. Don't know if that means 5 hrs, more or less.

                      - Once cooked, let rest in a standing position for 20-30 minutes.

                      - Remove top, lay on side. Slice, starting at the top, as you would a normal pineapple until you reach the bottom. Probably best to use a serrated knife in a sawing motion.

                      Those are my thoughts on how to approach. Any thoughts on what to do different? Will probably try this over the weekend.


                      • Jerod Broussard
                        Jerod Broussard commented
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                        Boneless country style ribs = sliced up pork butt.

                        My dad always puts cherries and pineapple slices on his hams.

                      The more I think about this the above won't work. Instead:

                      - Cut the top off and core the pineapple as you normally would. Will end up with a tube of pineapple fruit and the cored pineapple shell. Cut bottom off cored pineapple shell

                      - Cut the tube of pineapple lengthwise.

                      - Stuff the pineapple with the rubbed ribs and put the two sections together. This is where you get what appears to be a cut in the pineapple. You may have to cut it in half lengthwise to stuff it.

                      - Wrap the outside of the pineapple tubed with the thick bacon and secure with toothpicks. Overlap as needed to secure and prevent loss of liquid.

                      - Use toothpicks and stick pineapple bottom and top back on.

                      - Sprinkle bacon with seasoning of choice and smoke in an upright position.

                      - I would try smoking at 225-250 until a probe in the ribs indicate about 160. Don't know if that means 5 hrs, more or less.

                      - Once cooked, let rest in a standing position for 20-30 minutes.

                      - Remove top, lay on side. Slice, starting at the top, as you would a normal pineapple until you reach the bottom. Probably best to use a serrated knife in a sawing motion.

                      It isn't clear from the picture if the outer skin (shell) of the pineapple is used or not. But it doesn't make sense to me to use that and wrap it in bacon. I am guessing it is just ribs, pineapple, bacon - from inside out.

                      Any thoughts on what to do different? Will probably try this over the weekend.


                        Planning to do this on Saturday, I was going to stuff with a small pork tenderloin with a light coat of my basic pork rub on it, then more rub on the bacon. Will take pics, but I'm thinking toothpicks may not be 'beefy' enough to hold everything together. I'm considering bamboo skewers. This is definitely going to be a trial-and-error thing. I was thinking of smoking in the horizontal position, maybe rolling it every hour or so, seems like it may be difficult to keep standing vertically.



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