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    Hi folks. I was just perusing some restaurant supplies companies and I wondered. What do you guys use to slice your bacon? do you have slicers? does your butcher do it? or do you simply cut with a knife?

    Cold homemade slab I use my Benriner mandolin slicer.


      My wife slices it her her work Click image for larger version

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ID:	71842 Click image for larger version

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      • Karon Adams
        Karon Adams commented
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        That's some loverly bacon!!!

      • FLBuckeye
        FLBuckeye commented
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        The fat to meat ratio is so much better in home made bacon and the flavor is even better. The first day I had it, I had bacon with breakfast, a BLT for lunch, and a bacon cheeseburger for dinner. LOL

      I use this, from Amazon,Chef's Choice 609 premium Electric Food Slicer, about $100. Does the job fine; I like it because everything comes apart for easier cleaning. I also have an older version; it works fine but doesn't come apart as much. I use it for meat (bacon, jerky, French dip, etc.), bread, and occasionally veggies. Big enough & plenty of power for such uses.


      • Karon Adams
        Karon Adams commented
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        We have a little electric deli slicer. I have NO idea where we found it or even why we bought it. although, I tend to think it was so I could make Jerky. We lived in Texas when my father left the Navy. and my grandmother made jerky. I LOVED it! We moved to Chattanooga when I was about 7. My mom says I used to grab a huge bag of jerky and go out to play, happily munching on and sharing my "Cowboy Food". I have always loved simple salt & pepper jerky. the only problem was, it never lasted long and was quite the operation to make.

        I haven't made jerky in quite some time but when we started making Bacon, I was really glad to bring the old slicer out to use again.

      I use my 12-inch granton edge slicing knife


        I use a "commercial grade" slicer that I got from Cabela's. I have no idea who makes them for Cabela's but it's a pretty sturdy unit. It's a bit of a chore to clean up but when I do bacon, I tend to do a 50# case at a time so it makes it worthwhile. I used a smaller (cheaper) one for a while but it overheated when doing a big batch necessitating too many 20 minute intermissions in the process. It was easier to clean though and still get used for smaller slicing jobs like a smaller chunks of Canadian bacon.



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