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Pulled Pork question.

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    Pulled Pork question.

    I was expecting my butt to be ready for eating by now. It's almost done a few degrees to go and then a 2 hour cambro hold that would take it to around 23h00.
    I also smoked spares and sausage so nobody went hungry.

    I will be awake to remove from cambro but not sure I'm up to pulling and vac sealing at that hour.

    What suggestions do you guys have to keep me from having an early morning bedtime?

    I have always eaten the fruits of my labour after the cook so this is a first for me.

    I try to at least get mine pulled. Toss into a bowl, cover and put in the refrigerator overnight. Can vac seal another day.


    • holehogg
      holehogg commented
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      Thank you think that's the way I'll roll.

    Just loaded into cambro.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	20190630_204145.jpg
Views:	136
Size:	113.9 KB
ID:	704632


    • richinlbrg
      richinlbrg commented
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    Faced with that dilemna, most ofte I'll jus double cling wrap, then foil my pan, set it in th oven, set on warm, an deal with it th next day...have served many like this, fer work luncheons, etc., with zero discernible degradation of freshness, moisture, flavour, or quality...ymmv
    However ya do it, Brother, I always am wishin ya th best of all things...!


    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
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      Nee-Ice Bark, BTW! Me likeys!

    • holehogg
      holehogg commented
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      Was thinking along those lines but then I'd have to get up extra early to get it done before I leave for the wagon. I just wont have the time to take it with to handle it there.

    Could also just vac seal whole.


    • holehogg
      holehogg commented
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      Bone in and protruding will puncture bag.

    • Sweaty Paul
      Sweaty Paul commented
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      Could pluck bone and then seal. What I love about this site is that there are a whole bunch of great ideas.

    Pull it or wake up early and pull. That’s up to you. I’d be tempted to leave it whole, warm and then pull.
    Last edited by HouseHomey; June 30, 2019, 02:27 PM.


    • holehogg
      holehogg commented
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      Now you had to throw a spanner in the works. Do i put it in the fridge wrapped to cool?

    • HouseHomey
      HouseHomey commented
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      That depends on how long you’ll be sleeping. If you can cambro and pull even better. If not cool it and pull. The thing is gonna stay hot for a long time. Just depends on your equipment options and sleep time. Just pull it and get it over with. You’ll sleep better. You don’t have to wait two hours to pull.

    • holehogg
      holehogg commented
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      I had a feeling i might end up doing that.
      Just needed a shove.

    From the home of pulled pork forget about the Cambro. Let it set and cool a 1/2 hour to an hour just as long as you can touch without getting burnt pull put in a big pan, sauce lightly and into the fridge. First thing in the morning make sure it is slight moist as the pork will soak up the sauce you put on in the evening. Put in a 140-160 oven covered with foil. It will be like you cooked it all night. Done up to 10 butts this way for special occasions. Don't use a thick sweet BBQ sauce, pork is sweet in its own self. That is why those of us where pulled pork originated use a vinegar sauce. Whether is more or less straight vinegar from Eastern NC, ketchup or tomato added in Western NC, mustard added in SC. Or any variation you want. Just not a sweet and thick sauce.


      mountainsmoker been in cooler just short of 2 hours and just finished pulling. I have always used this method and it works for me. The one time I didn't, it just wasn't the same. I usually use Huskees original shawsh as I always have it on hand and pairs very well imo. I am keen to try a vineger sauce and will make per one of your previous posts when I next make sauces.
      Thanks for keeping me up HouseHomey ☺ but it was the right call.

      Must say is a little drier than usual but taste good. I did run kettle at a higher temp than usual from some time during the stall to chase it on in the hope it might get done in time for supper.
      Love MMD it truly is a winner.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	20190630_225111.jpg
Views:	170
Size:	140.5 KB
ID:	704781


      • Ahumadora
        Ahumadora commented
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        Toss some apple juice in there to lubricate it a bit if it is dry.

      • mountainsmoker
        mountainsmoker commented
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        The pork looks slightly dry in your picture, I would toss it with a little more sauce. Go by feel you want to feel the sauce on the meat.

        Ahumadora we don't usually use apple juice on our pork. To sweet as our pork is sweet. Apple cider is tarter can be used but infrequently and only as part of a sauce. We do use apple cider vinegar in our sauces which gives the flavor.


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