Cooking a couple small butts (4+ lbs) tonight for a funeral tomorrow. Due to the volume of pork butts I cook at times, I decided to order 5 pounds of the Pit Barrel All-Purpose Rub. It has a high salt content so I use it to dry brine, then come over that with a 1:1 ratio of white and brown sugar before getting tied down and going in the cooker. This one has been "brining" since 10 A.M. CST.
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Pulled Pork from Pork Butt.
Pics will get better with age.
No relation to me. Some folks at church.
Turns out they won't be eating until 5 tomorrow afternoon, which is good, I will have a good 17 hours of brining and I won't have to start cooking till about 6 in the morning.
Well I won't get pulled pics since these are for someone else.
I crutched at 154 internal cause them dudes were plenty dark.
Took 7 hours and about 23 seconds according to the Thermoworks TimeStick to get to 203.
PBC runs very efficiently with hot temperatures and 2 chunks of Hickory to go along with a basket of Kingsford.
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