I have an event coming up today... in about 2 hours. I started two pork butts yesterday afternoon around 2:00, thinking that should be plenty of time... well... they've been stuck at 170 for about 3-4 hours. Smoker has been steady at 230 +/- 10 all night (even though we got a late evening thunderstorm)...
My plan is to put them in my electric oven at 250 to see if I can get them up to 190-200 before I leave to go to my thing.
Are there any other methods I can use for a long stall that starts to interfere with schedule? Maybe too late for today, but maybe for next time?
Hmmm... Maybe he should power through the stall. Turn the temp up to 300° until you break the stall. Then turn it back to 240° to finish the cook. Right Jerod?
I did the oven trick and they came out OK! They were not super dark at 170 internal... normally when they are fully done on the smoker, they are almost black on the outside... They tasted fine, even with the oven finish.
I was still cutting it close to my event, so I wrapped them in foil and a towel, stuck them in a cooler and drove the 20 minutes to where I needed to go, and pulled the meat there. Came out fantastic. Although I don't want to do that oven finish as the norm. I'll just plan for more time next time.