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FAIL! (photos & stories of recipe mishaps and oopses)

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  • Huskee
    commented on 's reply
    texastweeter No, it's been fridge or freezer temp every day, except one 55 deg day this past Sunday.

  • texastweeter
    commented on 's reply
    No smell? I opend a pit at a friend of mines deer camp once, and had a pair of coons come boiling out at me hotter than fish grease...that got my attention.

  • GolfGeezer
    commented on 's reply
    Better check your liquor/wine cabinet to see if you are missing more than that poor steak from 2 weeks ago…. 🤐🥂🍹🍺🍷

  • Huskee
    commented on 's reply
    Jim White I am not sure, I am still pondering! STEbbq That's what's weird, I usually cook 4 for the 5 of us, and my wife & I tend to split one... how did no one notice we only had 3, how was no one extra hungry...must've had a lot of good sides that evening! Perhaps I cooked a 5th and that's why I forgot about it, because I usually don't cook 5. I'm still confused. Lol.

  • STEbbq
    commented on 's reply
    How many steaks do you usually cook at a time? This is even funnier if it is like 3 and you didn’t notice the missing steak but maybe more understandable if you did 8.

  • Jim White
    commented on 's reply
    Are you sure you weren't visited by the Ribeye Fairy?

  • Huskee
    No pics, but a funny story.

    I went out to my pellet cooker last night to scrape the grates and fire it up to give last night's steaks a little smoke before their sear. It was about 7pm, so still dark here, and I have poor lighting on my deck so the pellet cooker is dark inside when I opened it, as it has been at dinnertime since October. I pulled a couple thermometer probes out, and the last probe was stuck...in something... I pull the probe wire and it is pulling a steak toward me.

    I left a fully cooked ribeye steak in my cooker from my last steak cook, guessing 2 weeks ago.

    This of course begs a couple questions; First of all, why on earth?! Second, related to the first, how did I manage to leave a whole steak in there and not notice at dinner time we were one short? I asked my son if he by chance cooked some steaks earlier this week (wife & I were away a few nights, boys were home) and forgot one somehow, and he says no. So it must've been me.

    Weird stuff, funny stuff. I haven't had the best luck with ribeye the last few months. One upside- my dogs didn't mind the bonus treat.

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  • JLR
    commented on 's reply
    Plastic? Wow! What brand so I know to avoid?

  • WayneT
    commented on 's reply

  • fzxdoc
    commented on 's reply
    I made the same mistake of thinking that the plastic was casing on some chorizo that I purchased as well. I was using my 22" kettle. After about 20 min of cooking I went to reposition it on the grate, and something didn't feel right. I finally twigged to the fact that the casing was some sort of plastic. I immediately threw it into the trash. I don't cook with some mystery plastic. To me the Ziploc and sous vide bags that I use for SV come from a different sort of plastic animal.


  • GolfGeezer
    commented on 's reply
    As Homer Simpson says, "DOH!!"

  • Mosca
    commented on 's reply
    Geez, we need a dislike button for that one. Now that you mention it, yes, they definitely look like grease bombs waiting to happen!

  • smokenoob
    commented on 's reply
    Guess you need to update your handle to: “IFoundOneBadCook” 😁

  • ItsAllGoneToTheDogs
    commented on 's reply
    fzxdoc yeah the brand I've used in the past was in a proper casing so I didn't think anything of it

  • fzxdoc
    commented on 's reply
    Good thing you got it cleaned up in time to offer your wife a fresh cuppa when she woke up, acting as if nothing had happened.

    I wondered about those chorizo packets all lined up on your smoker on the post about your brisket smoke. I thought to myself, "that can't go well". I would have said something but I viewed your brisket post just a few minutes ago.



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