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Damn cat.

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    So what did you serve to your dinner guests? Don't say cat food.



    • Rob whatever
      Rob whatever commented
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      I also made pork belly burnt ends and roasted two chickens - And my wife made a quick stop at a local BBQ joint for some pork shoulder and bbq beef. And, then I did slice up the portion of the brisket that appeared to not have attacked by Sam - it was the point - the consensus was the it pretty good after all.

    Oh man! I feel your pain!

    If it makes you feel any better, this reminds me of the time I had just brought 5 ribeyes in from the grill and laid them out on plates with potatoes and salad for the family, and a neighbor rang the doorbell. About 5 minutes later, I walked back into the kitchen to see 5 plates lined up on the counter with salad and baked potatoes, but no steak! There were some greasy spots on the floor and a very guilty looking Dalmatian laying there. I beat her, called her bad dog, and a few minutes later she threw up huge hunks of steak everywhere. We had Dominos pizza for dinner that night. And I learned all food had to be pushed way to the back of the counters to be out of her reach.

    At some point after this incident, around age 2, I took her to some intense training, she became very obedient after that, and I could tell her to "stay" and put a piece of meat in front of her and leave the room, and she would not touch it until I gave her the release command. She ended up being the best dog I've ever had, but it took some trials to get to that point.

    Aside from developing an allergy to cats about 5 years into our marriage and 5 years into cat ownership, forcing our cat at the time to become an outdoor cat, I could never abide the cat jumping up where we prepared food, and I think I told her "bad cat" and swatted her off the counters enough times to where she got the message. When she became a garage/yard cat, she delighted in putting her paw prints all over whichever car I had freshly washed that day.

    So.... what did you serve your dinner guests that night? Hopefully you were able to come up with something better than pizza...
    Last edited by jfmorris; September 27, 2021, 02:02 PM.


      One more reason to have outdoor cats only. Or none at all.


      • Mr. Bones
        Mr. Bones commented
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        Free Range cats taste better, due to th more natural variety of their uptake, vs grain finished, indoors.

        Think along th lines of Duroc Pork...

      • Mr. Bones
        Mr. Bones commented
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        LOL ComfortablyNumb we have plenty them round here, Mt Lions, too, occasionally...unlike Muhzurrah, never have done personal seened me no black bears, though...

        When I was moved here, in '72, was tol they was no rattlesnakes here in Th Territory... Puh-Leeze, Child!!![b]

        Betcha I've shot three an a half, mebbe four bushel baskets of em, in th ensuin fitty+ years...

        [/i](Reckon, mebbe they cain't read th dang old Border Signage??? I dunno...)[/i]


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