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    I see the word being used as if it is a file within the website or is it a personal file of recipes? I can not find a definition using a word search.

    It's a recipe management app: https://www.paprikaapp.com


    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
      Editing a comment
      Now you let the cat out of the bag. I am surprised you didn't tell about a free trial.

    Thank you, I had never heard of the term or the App.


      It a great app for downloading recipes from the internet!


        Known about the Paprika app for a while, but finally pulled the trigger and ponied up the $5 for the app. And we do NOT buy apps at all.


        Easy to use, relatively easy to edit/find/search/organize recipes. Fantastically simple to import all those online recipes that you refer to over and over again from The Major Recipe Websites (I'm assuming the Major Recipe Websites have their recipes posted using HTML Recipe Markup, making it relatively easy for Paprika to do the importing)

        We're looking forward to consolidating the Giant Cabinet Full of Magazines while importing the recipes we're interested in long-term.

        I recommend activating the free cloud backup, so you can re-import/access your recipes from upgraded phones/multiple devices.

        We've been extremely happy with it.


        • fzxdoc
          fzxdoc commented
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          Once you use Paprika, texastweeter , you'll be having your kids load those index card recipes into it. A quick search, by ingredient, name, category etc brings the recipe you're looking for right up. Plus adding recipes from The Pit or any other recipe site is so quick!


        • GolfGeezer
          GolfGeezer commented
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          fzxdoc So, is there any quick way to import recipes that I have saved either in text or Word format on my PC? Or do I have to open each one and copy/paste, then fill in all the "buckets"?

        • fzxdoc
          fzxdoc commented
          Editing a comment
          GolfGeezer I've never been able to figure out a way to directly import Word document recipes into Paprika. I use the old copy/paste routine for each individual Microsoft Word recipe.


        Discovered a little trick that the Paprika app can perform. Wanted a recipe from the NYT food section today but the paywall popup blocked the window. On a whim I imported the page into Paprika and it downloaded and stored the recipe I was trying to view. Tried it on a few other sites with paywalls, which I do have accounts for but didn’t log in, and it worked the same on them two. Just thought I would pass this discovery on.


        • fzxdoc
          fzxdoc commented
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          Hmmm. Interesting, pkadare . So non-subscribers can download recipes into Paprika.

          I have a subscription to NYT , CI, and Milk Street, so at least I'm not ripping those companies off when I put their recipes in Paprika. If I'm going to swipe something, it would have to be a whole lot more important (like a Monet from an art museum) than a recipe!


        • pkadare
          pkadare commented
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          fzxdoc I'd go for a Dali myself, but I'm with you! Folks work hard on the recipes and if they want to charge for access, I'm either going to pay or pass. I don't give my expertise away for free either.

        • Mosca
          Mosca commented
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          Just tried it, didn’t work. I’ll give it another go, might be a configuration issue.

        I'm not going to admit how many times I studied the pix associated with posts that mentioned paprika... Wondering what the??? There's nothing like paprika on that load of bread 😬🙄🙄🙄. Nope, never did that.

        Cool app, though!


          I also add links to videos on Paprika, like with Chef Jean-Pierre recipes that I am enamored with lately. He says more in the video than he does in the recipe.

          On Paprika, I have a category called Tips and Tricks and store information there as recipes but they're actually techniques that I may use elsewhere in my cooking, like how Chef Jean-Pierre carves his turkey (works for PBC chicken too) or adds flour to his gravy with a sieve and a whisk. With video methods, I of course link to the video and denote the time marker.

          I also have a Sous Vide Tips category where I note pasteurization and cook times that work out well for me, or a time/temp combo noted here (are you reading this, Troutman ?) that I may want to try on my next SVQ. Saves me searching through The Pit with its aggravating search engine.

          Last edited by fzxdoc; November 20, 2021, 09:01 AM.


          • pkadare
            pkadare commented
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            Bkhuna - sadly there's no way to point to those types of files and import them to Paprika. While it does have an import function, the files need to have been generated by one of the supported recipe apps. In your case, it is going to have to be a process of creating a new recipe in Paprika, then copying and pasting from your docs. I usually copy the whole thing, paste into directions, and then cut and paste the ingredients to the right spot.

          • Bkhuna
            Bkhuna commented
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            pkadare - That's what I thought. Oh well, it took me years to collect all those files to I'll just have to be patient. Good thing retirement looms in the near distance.

          • fzxdoc
            fzxdoc commented
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            Bkhuna and pkadare , for some recipes like those on index cards or in cookbooks, I take a photo of them, insert that photo in the new recipe, and save. Works pretty well.

            For web recipes that don't have photos like some of those on You Tube, I take a screenshot of the part of the paused You Tube video that I want, then copy and paste it into the recipe.

            For those recipes in Word docs, I follow Paul's method.

            Last edited by fzxdoc; November 20, 2021, 02:45 PM.

          It's currently 50% off until the end of November.


          • WillTravelForFood
            WillTravelForFood commented
            Editing a comment
            FANTASTIC! A $5 app is even better for $3!

            And it looks like the Google Play store is doing some one-time promotion for $2 off any app (read terms for complete details)

          Paprika is on sale right now for Black Friday for mac- $14.99
          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2021-11-20 at 11.21.16 AM.png
Views:	470
Size:	84.2 KB
ID:	1129358


            Thanks for the heads up on the Paprika Recipe app. Just loaded it on my iPhone and downloaded my first recipe. Easy Peasy. Now to load up lots of recipes I have bookmarked in my browser over the years This should keep me busy for a bit.


              Originally posted by Donw View Post
              Discovered a little trick that the Paprika app can perform. Wanted a recipe from the NYT food section today but the paywall popup blocked the window. On a whim I imported the page into Paprika and it downloaded and stored the recipe I was trying to view. Tried it on a few other sites with paywalls, which I do have accounts for but didn’t log in, and it worked the same on them two. Just thought I would pass this discovery on.
              Mosca here's how it works for me, after signing out of my NYT Cooking account:

              Click image for larger version

Name:	nytpaprika.png
Views:	425
Size:	312.3 KB
ID:	1129834
              Click image for larger version

Name:	nytpaprika2.png
Views:	404
Size:	208.0 KB
ID:	1129833


              • Mosca
                Mosca commented
                Editing a comment
                Ok, I figured it out! Just as I suspected, it was me all along.

              I just ordered it. Thanks for the posts...now for me to learn and install all the recipes I've collected.


                Interesting that the original post of this thread was the first week of September. Now 2 months later as everyone (I think) is scanning recipes for the Holidays, the process sorting and saving precious files becomes more important. I know what I want to make I just can't find the frigging recipe. I wish I had saved it in a better place.
                Last edited by Bruce Z; November 21, 2021, 11:26 AM.



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