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Tri-tip tenderized at Costco

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    Tri-tip tenderized at Costco

    Was at the local Cosco, The tri-tip looks great at first, but up close texture looks were not quite right. I ask if the tri-tip were tenderized, the Meat Cutter said they of needle tenderizer. Did not find the tenderizing process labeled on the packaging. Did read for food safety cook to 145*F and rest for 5 minutes. But that is not medium-rare. No tri-tip for us. I joined Costco for the meat, Prime meat, and brisket. Prices have doubled. tri-tip not for me.

    I buy the cryovacs of tri-tip from Costco. (If you don't see them, ask, they usually have them in the back as that's how they get them.) Yes you get a lot more meat so best to have a vacuum sealer and freezer space, but they are a lot cheaper that way and not tenderized.


    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
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      Interesting did not know that. I will have to give it a try. cryovac tri-tip.

    That's sad. So unnecessary, too. Just cook it and slice it right, and it's plenty tender. But you already know that, since you're here in the Pit.


      Even way up there you should be able to source decent tri tips. Do you have a local butcher shop nearby?


      • Rfhd69
        Rfhd69 commented
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        I’ve taken wild game to the Meating Place. They are awesome!

      • CaptainMike
        CaptainMike commented
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        Wateuhminut, this "Meating Place" doesn't like it's related to food.... Is it located just outside of the little town of LaGrange?
        Last edited by CaptainMike; June 24, 2021, 10:12 PM.

      • bbqLuv
        bbqLuv commented
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        CaptainMike It is in Hillsboro OR. There is a Cafe and a butcher shop.
        RED MEAT Local Beef from Meating Right A3 Wagyu from Snake River A5 Kobe from Japan Choice Steaks from Painted Hills Lamb from Umpqua Valley In House Dry-Aged Steaks 85% and 90% Lean Ground Beef Ground Beef with Bacon Ground Elk Hamburger Patties (1/3 lb.) (seasonal) Marinated Beef Options Beef Kebabs

      That is an absolutely freaking huge NO NO to not have the indication on the package of needle tenderization.



      • bbqLuv
        bbqLuv commented
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        Thanks for info.

      • Dr. Pepper
        Dr. Pepper commented
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        I think they all say blade tenderized, but in the smallest of print, lost near the top of the labels. I had no clue until I read about that on this site. Hell, they even blade tenderize the American Waygu they sell!

      Pretty sure that every piece of meat I’ve looked at in Costco packaging says "blade tenderized" in tinny print on the label near the name of the cut.

      For that reason I only buy cryovac whole cuts. Although I’ve been tempted to get a sous vide machine for just this reason.


      • Davek8282
        Davek8282 commented
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        I did get a sous vide machine for that reason and have never looked back. I use for way more than red meat these days but that's what I started with

      Because Costco likes to blade tenderize all of their steaks, I quit buying from them. I have found a local butcher that sells locally sourced Angus-Waygu cross at a reasonable price, so I am happy.


      I love how everything has to be tenderloin tender these days. Some cuts of the steer are tougher than others, get over it.

      People these days............


      • Murdy
        Murdy commented
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        I've always had a soft spot for Sirloin/Butt steaks. The toughest of the common cuts, but great flavor.

      I buy regular twi-tips, grill them to medium-rare then slice them cross grain real thin with a deli-slicer. Makes a huge difference in the tenderness of a tri-tip. I have a Nesco, 8.7" blade slicer that I got for under a hundred bucks that is big enough to easily handle a tri-tip. Worth the investment, I think.


      • Santamarina
        Santamarina commented
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        I’ve never gone *that* thin with tri-tip…but I sure like that idea. Would make a helluva roast beef sandwich!

      • Craigar
        Craigar commented
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        I have never had a tri-tip that tough where I needed a deli slicer. I guess I should be thankful I don't have to eat granny's old Holstein, like back in the day.


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