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First time Leg of Lamb

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    First time Leg of Lamb

    First time cooking and eating leg of lamb. Followed leg of lamb recipe exactly. Cooked on rec tec pellet grill at 225 until internal of 110 then seared on my gas grill until temp of 120. By the time I sliced, the temp in thickest part was 125. I was worried that the board sauce would be too much, but I was wrong. I switched out mint for sage and serrano pepper for jalapeño due to availability. I wish I would have taken a picture but I was too hungry. Served with roasted red potatoes and crusty bread topped with roasted garlic and butter. The bread was also used to clean up the board sauce. Top 10 meal in my life. I appreciate Meathead's recipe.

    Awesome cecilc7! Way to go.

    Here's some 'new member' homework for you:

    Head over to the Introduce Yourself channel and give us a bio if you don't mind, anything you'd like to share whether a lot or a little.

    Then check out Pit Boss' Welcome & Announcements channel, as well as the tips posts in that channel. These will help you learn your way around The Pit, as well as set up your signature (tip #1) with your equipment. There's also a post that explains the best way to post nice big pics here... we like to see bragging pictures of your equipment and your cooks.

    We look forward to hearing more from you! Enjoy!


      Cecil -

      Welcome aboard! Boneless leg of lamb has become one of our go-tos since it's reasonably priced at Costco, does't take much work, and tastes do darn good. I haven't done MH's recipe, but use one from Dr. BBQ. Here's the link to pics from one of mine. I have started un-tying it to add some rub inside, but it's still a clunky piece of meat so you get some uneven seasoning that way.



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