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Cooks Illustrated "Ultimate Charcoal-Grilled Steaks"

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    Cooks Illustrated "Ultimate Charcoal-Grilled Steaks"

    I guess this method isn't too bad if you don't mind dedicating your oven to cooking steaks (instead of sides) and have trouble getting two-zone cooking to work.

    Pretty neat.


      I've decided to actually do this right now with one of my Tri-Tip steaks. Woke up with a baaaaaaaaaad head ache this morning that is still lingering.

      I will invert my chimney for the reverse sear.


        Pretty darn good. Amazingribs Tri-tip rub on this one.

        Click image for larger version

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        • David Parrish
          David Parrish commented
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          That's a nice cook JB.

        Wow. Nice-looking tri-tip, Jerod. Jerod Broussard

        I thought your family liked their meat well done. Was that one for you?



        • Jerod Broussard
          Jerod Broussard commented
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          fzxdoc you betcha, all my tri-tip steakies are for moi and moi only

          Next one will get some sort of "faux sous vide" to help render more of that fat down

        no credit to Meathead for that afterburner technique?


        • David Parrish
          David Parrish commented
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          Hmmm now you've got me wondering where MH got the technique.

        A couple of repairs for the Cooks Illustrated instructions.

        1 START the coals BEFORE you put the steaks in the oven. Otherwise the steaks will be either overcooked if left in the oven or cool.

        2 Just put the steaks you are cooking in first....it only takes 5 minutes or so to sear them so put the next set of steaks in the oven 5 minutes after the first set.

        3 You can use your smoker instead of an oven and aren running back and forth


          Originally posted by fracmeister View Post

          3 You can use your smoker instead of an oven and arent running back and forth
          Now that I have a smoker and a charcoal grill side by side courtesy of my poll and your input


            I have used the oven for reverse sear on a rare snow day. Works pretty good and the steak surface is already bone dry when they come out aides in quick maillard reaction.
            Chimney grill, been using that forever I should have taken a patent on it LOL.

            You don't need 3/4 worth of charcoal, invert the chimney.


            • Huskee
              Huskee commented
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              What's your favorite way to light the coals in the inverted chimney?

            • Ernest
              Ernest commented
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              Drop a Weber cube at the dimple of the chimney, place coals over it and fire in the hole!

            Originally posted by Ernest View Post

            You don't need 3/4 worth of charcoal, invert the chimney.
            And your carbon footprint goes lower!


              Here's another thread...

              So off I go to CI to look up a recipe. First thing I see for the July/Aug 2015 issue is 2 Ribeyes suspended over a Weber Rapid Fire Chimney. Wonder where-o


              • smarkley
                smarkley commented
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                Ahhh... that answers it.

                Not cool

              This article seems to keep regurgitating all over the place. CI has emailed me a few times about it...I've seen it on the Yahoo marquee, and several other sites. Although it's a nice technique if you want a quick sear and if done properly...its a great alternative to heating up a whole grill. But, there is simply nothing new about it. As a poor college student, I was doing this 25 years ago in clay pots. However, nice to see that people are still being creative with their BBQ!


                In my personal opinion - the SnS does the job just as good - if not better.....JMHO that's all....


                  Originally posted by Steve Vojtek View Post
                  In my personal opinion - the SnS does the job just as good - if not better.....JMHO that's all....



                    Been using the slow n sear for about a month....my favorite way to cook anything 👍



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