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Grass fed brisket
Cool, thanks for the advice, good point on trusting the probe, my main concern is the lower intermuscular fat content of Grass Fed, but once it is defrosted and I unwrap it I can gauge fat content and proceed from there.
Sounds like you've got a game plan. I don't know if I would mess with trying to put the fat in the injection holes. Just inject the brisket a few hours early and let it rest in the fridge. That will give the injection some time to absorb into the areas around the injection points. Monitor your internal temp, as a guide, and put your faith into your probe. When it probes like "buttah" in the thickest part of the flat, pull it off, vent, and give it a nice long rest. Best of luck, and I look forward to your finale pics.
Thanks, I have a plan, will put up a detailed post for the Pit after the game (ok, probably not after the game, will be drinking):
- Make beef stock with the marrow bones I received with my 1/4 grass fed highland cow.
- Save the fat
- Inject my brisket with my home made stock
- While injecting, see if I can somehow manage to cram some of the fat I collected making stock into my injection pockets. This will be difficult, but I am going to try.
- I will also be smoking either ribs or a pork loin as well, in case my brisket doesn't turn out!
No grass fed beef experience, but I cook briskets all the time, in the 325-350 range. Once you wrap it, it shoots through the stall FAST. There's not a lot of wiggle room between being perfectly done and being overcooked.
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Grass fed brisket
Running with the fat content in brisket theme, I have a 7 lb grass fed brisket defrosting for super bowl Sunday. Given the lower fat content than a feed lot brisket, I am thinking I might want to cook it a little hotter than what I would normally (225 on my webber 22.5 one touch) so as not to dry it out, like I did with my chicken breasts last night. Does anyone have any experience with grass fed brisket? Seems that many PBC pit members are cooking briskest well above 225. Any advice anyone has would be much appreciated.Tags: None
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