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Chuck Roast food safety question?

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    Chuck Roast food safety question?

    I bought a nicely marbled 4 pound USDA Choice chuck roast last Thursday. It had a sell by date of 11/15. It stayed refrigerated this entire time. I unwrapped it tonight 11/18 (Wednesday) and dry brined it. I plan on smoking it tomorrow.

    I found that the surface of the meat on top and the sides had turned kind of a dark grey, but did not feel any slime or anything. the bottom side was bright red for most of the surface but dark color had started to show from the edges, The packaging was tight with no tears or holes.

    If I am cooking at 225 until probe tender for pulling it at around 205, do I need to be concerned about potential bacteria (tainted meat)? Or will cooking for 8 to 10 hours at 225 kill off any harmful bacteria like with poultry at 165 or more? Will it be ok to cook? Or do I need to chuck the chuck roast? The meat will be smoked on Thursday, then put in a faux cambro for 2 - 4 hours. Then it will be refrigerated until warming to serve on Saturday for a lunch party.

    I don't want to make anyone sick, but would prefer to use it if it would be safe. Thanks for your help!

    You are fine. The dark color is due to lack of oxygen from the cling wrap.


    • STEbbq
      STEbbq commented
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    I think you are fine as well. Do you notice a bad smell? Really sounds ok to me.


      Cook it and serve some to your MIL. If she survives, you are good to go.


      • DogFaced PonySoldier
        DogFaced PonySoldier commented
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        OMG... speaking of mother in laws... lol. Mine is staying with us for a couple of weeks, she has pretty significant dementia. This morning, she woke up on the wrong side of the bed and was going OFF, cussing people, yelling and hollering, you could hear her all the way across the house. lol. It was funny, honestly, all three daughters were just standing in the hallway shaking their heads, the GSD was slinking away and into her crate thinking she had done something wrong. I'm going to hell... lol

      Thank you all.


        If it didn't have a funky smell you should be good. Turning dark gray is normal when it sits in the fridge for a few days.



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