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Pitmaster Club Black "Bark" Friday Brisket Cook - Who's In?

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    Pitmaster Club Black "Bark" Friday Brisket Cook - Who's In?

    Inspired by Spinaker and RickyBobby I thought I'd participate in what looks like a great Pitmaster Club event, maybe even tradition(?):

    Smoke a brisket on Black Friday.

    Let's do this. Who's in?

    (yeah, yeah, turkey leftovers, how about turkey & brisket leftovers for days??)

    The Apple Cup, which is the annual football showdown between Washington and Washington State, is on Black Friday. We always go to our neighbor's house (he is a WSU grad). His wife orchestrates the food. I think I'm not going to be allowed to bring a brisket since I'm on the hook for chicken wings and smoked queso.


    • Huskee
      Huskee commented
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      A great tradition! Maybe this can be for those of us w/o a prior tradition..

    • ecowper
      ecowper commented
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      Create a tradition!!!! I just told my wife I'm cooking a brisket for Christmas. She was like "But you always do a rib roast" ..... I said traditions change and a brisket is cheaper than a rib roast.

    I'll be out the state of my residence, yet still keeping in touch.


    • Huskee
      Huskee commented
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      You can live vicariously, like we do when you're cooking 5 at once

    I AM doing a brisket for Thanksgiving.


    • Huskee
      Huskee commented
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      I suppose leftovers can count for Black Friday Brisket

    • LA Pork Butt
      LA Pork Butt commented
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      My wife says there has to be a turkey, bones and all. No spatchcock either.

    Love this! I’m down! Thanks Huskee , for starting the thread!


      Found brisket for $6.99 a lb locally at Sobey's, go down and take a gander tomorrow.


      • ecowper
        ecowper commented
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        That’s not a bad price in Canadian shekels

      So started up on Thursday and cooked into Friday, or start on Friday for Saturday? I don’t have one, but,….


      • Huskee
        Huskee commented
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        Well me personally I will be starting early Fri a.m. (about the time some folks are heading to Best Buy and such) and will have it for dinner Fri evening. So I'mma say for dinner Friday.

      • Dr. Pepper
        Dr. Pepper commented
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        Huskee So, hot and fast?

      One of the first cooks I plan on my new SnSK (arrives Thursday) is the Akaushi brisket that Troutman brought to me at Rockdale. Alas, I'll be out of town on black Friday at a friend's ranch and we will be cooking other stuff (Berkshire pork chops and other things).
      Last edited by 58limited; November 16, 2021, 07:56 PM.


      • Huskee
        Huskee commented
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        That's ok, friend time is allowed You can always log in and oogle at Spinaker & RickyBobby's briskets from afar.

      • 58limited
        58limited commented
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        You know I will! Gonna check in when I'm not trying to drop some hogs and deer with my Sharps.

      I'm in, jus gotta try an source a nice one, locally, or start mouse clickin th online folks...Time is very short.


      • Huskee
        Huskee commented
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        Do you got time to wet age it 30 days first??

      • Mr. Bones
        Mr. Bones commented
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        Huskee not by my calendar lol!

      Maybe I can come up with something else and I’ll just celebrate BarkFriday,


        We have committed to babysitting the grandbabies on Black Friday, so I'll just be following along virtually when I get a chance to peek at the festivities. I want lots of in progress pictures! Data. Temps and times. It will be like being there with you.


          Based on this from the T'day wha you cookin', not feasible. A great idea... Hope you get partici;ation.
          November 13, 2021, 05:53 PM
          Our traditional dinner which is a multiple day event. As I've mentioned before Thanksgiving is my wife's cook, I do nothing. Not sure if my son and family will make the trip from Vermont. Daughter and her crew will be here. There are 2 pieces to the weekend. The Turkey is the 1st part and that is for Thanksgiving Day. The bird (bought yesterday 24#) along with typical sides. Stuffing, candied yams, cranberry sauce a variety of vegetables, which I ignore. That includes the stuffed artichokes. Dessert will have apple and pumpkin pie and other goodies. My daughter does all of that.

          Now for Friday we go to ravioli with my wife's Thanksgiving sauce. Meat will be sausage and braciole and meatballs. Ravioli is store bought but everything else is done from scratch. Leftover Turkey is in the mix. And all of it is a Saturday delight.


          • SheilaAnn
            SheilaAnn commented
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            Should we come over Thursday or Friday? 🤤

          Shoot, no pun intended, I'll be all dressed up in my finest orange lookin for Bambi & her older brother.


          • Huskee
            Huskee commented
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            Well if you stroll a little too far up and around the corner and back down there'll be a seat at my family's table for you. Be here 'bout 6ish, 4ish if you want pre-conversation.

          • HawkerXP
            HawkerXP commented
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            I'm thinkin of slapping on my yellow vest and harvesting some deer from the side of Route 28.

          • RickyBobby
            RickyBobby commented
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            Didja get anything FireMan?

          I'll be back up in Chicagoland for Thanksgiving and Black Friday, so no brisket for me. I'll just try to check in here and cheer y'all on.


            Very tempting. I’m going to be teaching my brother in law how I make beer in my backyard that day. Maybe I’ll show him how to make a brisket as well. Why this could be one of the most important and memorable days of his life.


            • Huskee
              Huskee commented
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              Hear hear!
              Brisket and Beer!
              You'll have the attention of folks far and near!

            • DaveD
              DaveD commented
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              Holy crap, brewing beer and doing a cook on the same day?! Madness. Madness, I tell you!


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