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Prime Rib Cooking Time Question

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    Prime Rib Cooking Time Question

    I remember a rule of thumb for estimating the cooking time for prime rib....XXX minutes per XXX inch of thickness. Cannot find it in the recipes. Does anyone remember what it is for medium rare???
    Last edited by Jimmy Vee; November 13, 2021, 08:55 AM.

    Here's the article. I didn't see a time guidance in it at quick glance though


      Too many factors to fill in the blanks with anything meaningful. Weight, volume, temp all vary too much. I would recommend roasting to your desired temp (less carryover).



      • HawkerXP
        HawkerXP commented
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      • bbqLuv
        bbqLuv commented
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      • rickgregory
        rickgregory commented
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        I think what they're looking for, though, is some way to estimate time so they can plan the day. If you're doing a party/holiday thing and tell people dinner will be at, say, 3pm you want it done by then but not done 3 hours early.

      I would never cook an expensive hunk o' meat without a leave in thermometer. A Thermoworks Dot will get the job done nicely if ya don't have something already...


        I have a Thermoworks probe I plan on using. Just trying to guesstimate when it will be done for planning all the rest of the meal. MeatHead used to have it in the article but it got scrubbed. It was a pretty good estimate for dinner planning...pending the probe temp for monitoring and final confirmation.


          I understand your question perfectly: it isn’t done time you’re after, but approximately when to start it! That’s planning for when to tell guests to arrive, planning hors d’oeuvres, planning the timing of the sides, etc.

          Honestly, even though I wrote a tutorial on prime rib, for the life of me I couldn’t tell you the answer. Every single time I do a rib roast I look on the internet for that answer, but there are too many variables: roast size, meat quality, big end or small end, starting temp, oven accuracy, etc etc etc. In the end, the meat does what it does.

          The best I can tell you is that if it’s done early, the roast will hold for about an hour. And if it’s done late, the guests will hold for however long it takes. Pick a time that you found on the internet, and be prepared to dance around it.



          • jlazar
            jlazar commented
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            Read his excellent tutorial on prime rib if you haven't already. It will give you a good understanding of what to expect and will help you plan.

            jlazar asked me to write some words about prime rib roasts. There are a lot of tutorials around the ‘net, and Meathead has written about them to good effect, so I’ll try to simplify the instructions, and provide some insight. For most people, the biggest issue is fear; fear of spending a lot of money on a meal that is
            Last edited by jlazar; November 13, 2021, 08:47 PM.

          • jlazar
            jlazar commented
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            For medium rare. At 225, estimate about 30 minutes per inch in diameter plus 20 minutes max to sear at the end of the cook (5 minutes of sear on each of the four sides). That means for a 4" diameter roast, should take about 2.5 hours of indirect cooking, plus about 20 minutes searing over direct heat. Expect the temp to go up another 5 degrees while resting for 10-15 minutes. Up even higher if cooked at above 250-275.

          That really is a good and often asked question. Too bad, there is no definitive answer.
          But an internet search yields, Oven Roasting Time Guidelines (

          The example for no definitive answer, 3-2-1 Ribs. This systematic approach to BBQ may produce editable ribs. The results will vary from one cook to another.
          Last edited by bbqLuv; November 13, 2021, 10:52 AM.


            To further complicate matters, after a certain point, you don't add time for weight, because they just get longer, not thicker.


              Some of these links might help, but it will depend on temp etc.


                My general experience is that it takes 2.5 hours to get a 5 lb prime rib to 125 internal temp. But, you have to do it the same way every time for that to be true. So, here’s what I do
                • I buy a good choice rib roast at costco
                • I remove the bones and chine
                • Trim and get rid of all the excessive fat cap
                • Tie into a 4” thick "tube" of meat
                • Dry brine 24 hours prior to cooking
                • Get my cooker (typically the Hasty-Bake) to 240F +/- on the indirect zone
                • Put a pan of gravy fixings underneath the grate
                • Put the roast on the grate
                • Close the lid and monitor with FireBoard
                • At 125F, I pull, get the direct zone roaring, and then sear
                • I bring in the house, let it rest for a few minutes, then slice
                • the middle will be 135-140, the ends will be 145-150

                Getting to 125F is about 2.5 hours. However, I went and check my cook logs and that varied from as little as 2 hours 15 minutes to as much as 3 hours 5 minutes. So take that with a grain of salt.

                If my roast is bigger, I add 15 minutes to my estimate. I also leave a 30 minute buffer, knowing that sometimes it will take 3 hours, not 2.5 to hit that internal temp. The searing takes 10 minutes. The rest and carving takes 10 minutes. All in, for a 5 lb rib roast, I estimate 3 hours from putting it on to serving. With the cook’s buffer, that equals starting my roast 3.5 hours before I want to serve it. If I’m done a bit earlier, I hold the roast in a 170F oven for 20 minutes.
                Last edited by ecowper; November 13, 2021, 01:15 PM.


                • Caffeine88
                  Caffeine88 commented
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                  Roux. I also hate chunky gravy, so I do a roux with about 3T butter and 3 more flour in a separate skillet. I'll add more butter as needed so it isn't thick, and the cook till golden brown. Only add in small amounts and whisk in thoroughly till you have it just as thick as you like.

                • ecowper
                  ecowper commented
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                  I’ve been known to use the potato water, too :-)

                • Troutman
                  Troutman commented
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                  One thing Eric said that important is tying the roast into some form of tubular shape. That allows for uniform cooking and better shot at predicting when the roast will be done.

                  And roux is certainly a classic way to thicken but I’ve found a corn starch slurry to be much easier and just as effective.

                My experience: I had a twenty pound full choice rib roast, cut the ribs off with meat on them, in dry brining it got down to about 34 degrees...the sear it ice cold on my flat iron solid steel grill, placed directly over the fire box...sear was spectacular, the rub and meat was seared....the smeared the gooey greasy seasoning mix all over it. Smoking at about 275. It took about four hours to get back to "room temperature." That was surprising! Dinner was a bit late...but, I got the perfect 130F roast from 1/8 inch (maybe a quarter) to the middle.


                • ecowper
                  ecowper commented
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                  So you’re saying don’t front sear?

                • rickgregory
                  rickgregory commented
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                  No, Eric, he's saying dinner's at his house.

                Great Feedback everyone. Thank you. it ran 30 minutes per inch. Elevation: 2000 feet. Outdoor temperature 48 degrees. Internal fished temperature: 133 degrees.


                  For a prime rib roast (in the oven), we've used variations on this recipe with success. From a NYTimes cooking article from the 60's, supposedly:
                  • Get roast to room temperature (so, sit it on the counter for maybe 2-3 hours???)
                  • get oven to 500 degrees. Meanwhile, salt+pepper the roast. Tie it up so it looks pretty in the roasting pan, fat side up. Insert your favorite probe thermometer.
                  • put roast in the oven and CLOSE THE DOOR
                  • crack open your favorite frosty beverage, turn on the game.
                  • After XXXXXX minutes, turn the oven off. KEEP THE DOOR CLOSED
                  • After two more hours of KEEPING THE DOOR CLOSED, you should be able to finally open the oven door, pull out the roast and serve relatively immediately.
                  Did I mention that the oven door needs to stay closed the entire time? Apparently, this is important.

                  The XXXXXXX timing for the 500 degree cook is "the weight of the roast in pounds, multiplied by 5.

                  example: a 4lb roast would be at 500 degrees for 20m before the oven gets turned off.

                  We've also done the salt-encrusted/dome rib roast. My golly, that requires a ton of salt and egg wash - was fun to make.... once.


                  • Bbqmikeg
                    Bbqmikeg commented
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                    If you have a fancy oven it may have a self venting mode. A friend of mine didn’t know her oven did that and wrecked her roast. This method works great with normal ovens.

                  • ecowper
                    ecowper commented
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                    Yeah, this wouldn't work with my oven, which self vents and cools itself off

                  Smoke, sous vide, then sear. No muss, no fuss, work on the rest of the stuff.

                  Last edited by DogFaced PonySoldier; November 14, 2021, 12:46 PM.


                    Looked through my notes from the original Meathead recipe…says ~30 mins per inch of thickness, plus ~20 mins for sear.

                    Of course, Temp is the final judge.



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