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Gyro Meat Grease, storing for use???

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    Gyro Meat Grease, storing for use???

    I love Gyros! I found a good source and order the meat in bulk. Comes in frozen raw slices. Lamb/Beef mix. It cooks up delicious and makes the best Gyros. I put onion, tomato, a little feta, and tzatziki sauce on 'em. Yum!

    Anyhow, while cooking the meat in the skillet, I get a lot of nice clear grease. I'm starting to store it in a mason jar in the fridge. I'm thinking I can use it on the grill and when I'm cooking other things inside.

    Is my reasoning sound? Or should I stick with bacon grease only? I cook the Gyro meat much more than bacon.

    Any comments are appreciated.

    I grew up with bacon grease stored in a Folger's coffee can stored in the refrigerator. I'd like to get some of that Gyros Grease. Bacon grease is a staple and I imagine that Gyros grease would make a very nice adjunct.


      It has a lot a garlic, so it should be interesting...


        Syko do you order your Gyro meat online?


          Ditto what fuzzydaddy said. Where do you find it in bulk?


            As I work in a Greek restaurant, maybe I can help here. We serve a ton of Gyros, and I've saved the grease to use as an injection augmentation for pork or beef, for which it works well. I would recommend freezing it for the best flavor, when you are ready, at your point of use.
            I occasionally make Gyro meat at home too. It's really just glorified meatloaf, which is pureed before the cooking process for a smooth and fined grained product. It makes especially killer pizza. No red sauce, just garlic and olive oil here.
            Gyro meat is usually a combination of: ground lamb, beef, and/or pork, with veal sometimes. The seasoning is "restrained" to compliment the meat flavor. Oregano is "de regiurre."
            If you make it from scratch on your bbq, you can capture the real Greek essence as it was intended. Then, you have something to really work with. Just my 2 cents....


            • fuzzydaddy
              fuzzydaddy commented
              Editing a comment
              Thank you Strat50! Great information.

            • CeramicChef
              CeramicChef commented
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              Strat50 - thanks for the inside scoop! Any time you'd like to lead us through a gyro cook, I'd for one would LOVE to see it done. Thanks in advance.

            I'm sorry, was away from the computer for a few days. To answer your question about source, here's the information.

            The source is Foodservicedirect.com

            The description is "Kronos Frozen Gyrokone Titan Beef and Lamb Strip, 1.25 Ounce -- 128 per case".

            As I said, they come frozen, separated by paper. I un-boxed them and ( while still frozen ) vacuum packed them into "meal for two" portions. My Girlfriend came over while I was doing this. She enthusiastically went on about how yummy "garlicy" it smelled. YUM! I wonder how it smelled thawed...

            Side note; I lost my sense of smell in an accident about 24 years ago. It's difficult to increase flavor and spicy and NOT trample who you cook for. Although it's tough, I've learned to catch some of the subtle little nuances. Sometimes I need a trusted (Her) second opinion and memorize the benchmark for that dish/ batch.

            Anyhow, back on topic. When you order, you won't get a delivery date until it is about to ship. I guess once the order is filled they'll send you the date. Mine arrived two weeks after the order was placed. It was packed in dry ice and frozen. If you can't be there on the date of delivery, make damn sure you have someone to check for it and put it in the fridge. I don't like the wimpy styro construct they had it boxed in. That being said, when I saw it on the doorstep it was frozen, no complaints.

            Tasty stuff!



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