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Review of revised Weber SmokeFire models?

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    Review of revised Weber SmokeFire models?

    Are there any plans to review the newer SmokeFire models from Weber? I'm approaching a decision point and feel naked without an updated review.

    Yes, we have plans to test the newer Sear+ model(s) soon, but hard to say when.


      "All in favor of outta_ammo doing a revised review on the newer SmokeFire model from Weber he just bought, say AYE!"


      • Dick Anderson
        Dick Anderson commented
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      • Elton's BBQ
        Elton's BBQ commented
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      • RiverJeff
        RiverJeff commented
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      As always, we're juggling many projects, and, as always, thanks for your patience. I did a Sneak Peek Review that contains what we know so far, but no testing yet.
      I still have the original SmokeFire and now that the software is up to date and fully functional, my only complaint is the hopper design, which Weber claims they addressed in the new versions. Otherwise, SmokeFire is both an excellent grill and smoker, reaching high, searing temps easily and producing some of the best smoke I've had on a pellet burner.
      Last edited by Max Good; March 28, 2023, 08:46 AM.


      • BabelBBQ
        BabelBBQ commented
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        Max, I'm looking forward to your review. I have a Weber Genesis 320 and a pit boss 820. My hope is to learn if I can get away with selling those two and buying a smokefire sear+. My wife would be very pleased if I did a 2 for 1.

      • Max Good
        Max Good commented
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        BabelBBQ I've seen Sear + in action. It can smoke and sear and everything in between.

      Yeahbut, the price has increased by more than somewhat.......................


      • Huskee
        Huskee commented
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        Well the price on limes in my store went up to $1.49 each (!) and there's no improvement, they're still limes. At least in this cooker there's an improvement

      It looks like a nice pellet pooper!


        Tis not for me, Grease fire anyone?


        • Huskee
          Huskee commented
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          I got a grease fire in my Grilla, once, from doing a load of wings, and admittedly I hadn't cleaned her out when I should've. I think it's like complaining a certain car or truck can go in the ditch on a wintry day, it's more user error than the machine itself.

        • radiodome21
          radiodome21 commented
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          I too once had a grease fire on my Grilla when I turned the temp up to 450 from 225 to char some peppers. Moral of the story? Veggies are bad 🤪

        • Bkhuna
          Bkhuna commented
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          With many cooks on my Smokefire v2, I haven't had a grease fire issue. Of course, I do take off the grates and wipe out the bottom every couple of weeks.

        Folks getting grease fires are doing something wrong, like not paying attention. Cooking comes with responsibilities.


          Weber SmokeFire pellet grill | What went wrong and how it should work - Bing video
          Weber SmokeFire - 🔥 GREASE FIRE? 🔥 or Flare Up? - Bing video


          • Old Glory
            Old Glory commented
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            Looks like my gasser when searing steaks.

          Ok, what about these?


          • Bkhuna
            Bkhuna commented
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            Look at the date on those videos. Original version. Problems have been addressed and that horse seems to be dead.

          I couldn't wait for the review. Pulled the trigger on the smokefire sear+ Saturday. ($400 bucks off.) Should be here in a week or so. I'm guessing that the product design/engineers folks at Weber have made improvements based on reviews on sites like this one. I'd be surprised if this model doesn't rate "gold."


          • Sid P
            Sid P commented
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            Whether it gets one star or five, thanks for stepping up and taking one for the team 😉. Congrats!

          • Bad Hat BBQ
            Bad Hat BBQ commented
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            Thought we were waiting until the 16th to reveal Secret Santa Stuff......

          RJHokie You should be good. They’ve had 3 years to improve the software and firmware which were the biggest problems. They also reworked the hopper on the Sear models which was the next weakest point. Now the bad news, they’re coming out with a whole new pellet grill which is why the current models are $400 off. It will be called the Searwood. However, depending on how they’ve redesigned it, the bad news could be on them for abandoning the design that made the Smokefire unique. You’ll enjoy being able to grill and smoke well on that Sear+


          • RJHokie
            RJHokie commented
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            Interesting that Weber would send the new model sear+ to be reviewed with a completely new design in the works. As a side note, my order was confirmed Saturday, however I haven't received additional shipping information. There site now shows the unit is not currently available. Hmm...


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