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July 2018 - Gold Medal Giveaway Winner!

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    Congrats! Some tough choices ahead!!


      The Hasty Bake folks around here make some mighty tasty 'cue and highly recommend it. But that PK is pretty awesome, too. I'd probably lean to the HB.


        I'm starting to lean towards the Hasty Bake, the more I read about it.

        When I finally make up my mind (today is Wednesday, and I have until Saturday), do I just declare my intentions in this thread? The instructions just say, "respond by making a post in our forum, "The Pit", with your choice of prize."


        • Huskee
          Huskee commented
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          You got it, tell us your official choice here and I'll send you the paperwork!

        • SmokeyGator
          SmokeyGator commented
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          The HB is a popular choice. But I get your delemma. I think what would I get? Assuming I have replaced my gasser, and I have a Primo XL...I would have to really think about it too

        • Attjack
          Attjack commented
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          I’ve never said, " gee this grill/smoker has just a little too much capacity". @Polarbear777

          I have. I downsized my gas grill, and I often use my Weber Jumbo Joe rather than my Weber 26 in Oregon. Same in California where I keep a Smokey Joe in case I feel using the Weber 22 isn't necessary. The amount of charcoal saved is significant.

        I want both the HB and the PK360. BOTH!


          Here's the thing. You already have a great grill, and a great smoker. Anything you add will be extra.

          On the other hand, how often do you order Wagyu? Would you ever get it if it wasn't offered as a prize?

          Don't overlook the opportunity! Myself, if I won I would get the beef. All that hardware is awesome... and I don't need any of it.

          (If they still offered the cooking classes I'd go for that.)


          • Attjack
            Attjack commented
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            crunchysue no worries you were busy winning a Hasty Bake! I shop at New Seasons too, but also the butcher down the street, and Grocery Outlet as well. Usually NS for fish and chicken, beef at the butcher, but I'll have to keep an eye out for that wagyu.

          • crunchysue
            crunchysue commented
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            Attjack what butcher? I've always loved Old Salt Marketplace's meat, but they're closing down.

          • Attjack
            Attjack commented
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            crunchysue Western Meats. Not familiar with Old Salt, but I hear Gartner's is amazing. Like take a number and wait amazing. They're out by the airport. Going to hit them up when I get back in town in August.



            Congratulations. I would get the pellet grill and then go out and buy a $149 Kettle. Then you are covering all the bases: gas, smoking, pellet and charcoal. Best of luck with whatever you choose.




              • Spinaker
                Spinaker commented
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              • JCBBQ
                JCBBQ commented
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                Spinaker, jimmac is smart - staying under 10 posts until he wins the giveaway.

              • Spinaker
                Spinaker commented
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                He’s got it figured out. JCBBQ 😂

              Question for ecowper , and anyone else who owns a Hasty-Bake. What's the cleanup procedure after a cook/before the next cook?


                crunchysue great question ..... Here's my normal keep it clean routine

                1. During the cook, keep a aluminum drip pan under the food you are cooking indirect. The v-shaped grills and grease trap is nice, but not perfect.
                2. After the cook, dump grease trap if needed, sweep the coals, dump the ash, scrape the grills
                3. Prior to next cook, quick clean of the grills and the flat exterior surfaces with non-toxic grill cleaner (I like Weber)
                4. Monthly, I use a wire brush and clean the "gunk" buildup off the interior walls and firebox rails. I don't try to get to bare metal, because I don't want a reflective interior. Clean exterior with oven cleaner to get smoke and such off the exterior surfaces - this is aesthetic more than anything else. Clean interior of glass to get smoke/soot buildup removed.

                I don't spend more than 5 minutes pre/post cook and my monthly maintenance takes about 30 minutes. YOu will get a bit dirty on the monthly maintenance, so I wear shorts and a t-shirt that are reserved for that task and I don't care if they have grease/soot stains on them.


                • crunchysue
                  crunchysue commented
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                  OK, that doesn't sound bad at all. Thanks!

                • EdF
                  EdF commented
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                  I feel the Force moving towards Hasty-Bake!

                Well isn't this fun. I like reading crunchysue 's thought process here. Can't wait to see your choice. Congrats!!


                • Potkettleblack
                  Potkettleblack commented
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                  Maybe the best winner yet, just for the whole discussion.

                • crunchysue
                  crunchysue commented
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                  Or maybe just the most indecisive? Discussing this with y'all is fun, for sure.

                • jfmorris
                  jfmorris commented
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                  I agree with JCBBQ and Potkettleblack - seeing the winner think through the choice and discuss it is good to see.

                If it were me, considering you have the charcoal smoker (PBC) and a gas grill, the choice really comes down to pellet smoker or charcoal grill/smoker. I know you said you would sell the Weber Genesis, but there are good reasons to keep a gas grill around for those times you just don't have time to deal with the added time charcoal takes. If its an older Genesis, those were much better at reaching searing temperatures than the new Genesis II, and I would hang onto it for sure.

                Good luck with your decision - it looks like you are gradually working your way towards the Hasty Bake, which is what I've had my eye on too. I've also considered the Green Mountain pellet grill if I were to ever win, but to be honest - you already have a pretty much hands off smoker in the PBC. What you don't have is a good charcoal grill. While the PK360 is super nice, as others have pointed out - no one ever says "my grill is too big". The Hasty Bake has a much larger grilling capacity for direct, and has the added bonus that you can pretty much use the full grill for indirect AND I think you can even control the distance from the charcoal to the grate letting you somewhat emulate what a Santa Maria grill does. It seems very flexible.
                Last edited by jfmorris; July 12, 2018, 09:38 AM.


                • SmokeyGator
                  SmokeyGator commented
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                  My gas grill is part of my hurricane plan. No electricity means no electric stove. Power could be out for days. Even weeks.

                • jfmorris
                  jfmorris commented
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                  crunchysue what I've recently done, and I think this is where your gasser could shine.... I put Grillgrates on my Genesis last year. Works great. Recently I've had those flipped over, and been using it more like a griddle. Smash burgers are the bomb now with my family. The main thing I find myself cooking on the Genesis is burgers, dogs, and chicken wings.

                • jfmorris
                  jfmorris commented
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                  If I could afford a "griddle" conversion for the Genesis I would get one today I think. For now I find myself using griddles and skillets on it more than actually "grilling".

                Here's another question: Is it easy enough to move the HB around? I'd probably want to store it up against the house, then move it out during use. It looks like it would roll around a concrete patio with no problem.







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