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Price of brisket increase at Sam’s club?

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    Price of brisket increase at Sam’s club?

    I haven’t purchased a prime brisket in months but was at Sam’s the other day and looked at prices. Prime is $4.98 a lb and choice is $3.98.
    Anyone else experiencing an increase in price?

    I have seen an increase in all meat prices over the past several months. I buy a lot of flank steak, as its a good cheap cut to feed a lot of people, and its up from $5.99 (or less) to $7.99 a pound last time I picked up some at Sam's. Brisket was up there too, pork is up a lot since a few months ago as well.

    I read something either here or elsewhere indicating that if you plan to do many cookouts this summer, get your meat now and stash it in the freezer, as it is expected to continue to increase.

    Right now, I hate to say it, but I expect a lot of my summer cooking to involve chicken or ground beef (burgers). I try and pick up ground beef at Fresh Market, as they have chuck on sale for $2.99 a pound every Tuesday, which makes it almost a buck cheaper than Sam's, and heck - even Walmart was $5 a pound for chuck last time I looked.

    For now I plan to cook through everything in the deep freeze, in preparation for either moving it to the garage or getting rid of it as we do some remodeling...


      I get to Sam’s club once every other month or so and I always check the briskets out and if there’s a particularly good looking one I grab it and freeze it. I happened to be in a city with Sam’s a couple weekends ago so I went over to check ‘em out and I moved along real quick. It was like $3/lb for prime a few short months ago now it’s out of my league.


        Commodity prices on beef and pork are at an all time high or very near it. Expect meat prices and anything made with corn to continue higher for the next several months at least. I never thought I would see the day of $6.50 to $7 a bushel corn or pork cutouts above 115 a hundred weight. Also beef above 151. Get ready for major inflation later this year. The Jimmy Carter 2 era has begun


        • ecowper
          ecowper commented
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          Inflation has already begun ….. 4.2% last month

        • Oak Smoke
          Oak Smoke commented
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          The Carter era was painful. My banker offered me a cd at 14%, but I didn't have a dime to save.

        Interesting...I haven't been to Sam's in a year but prices have not changed at my local HEB for months. Brisket is about the same except wagyu went up $1/lb. I just bought a pork butt for $0.97/lb and cooked it yesterday. I may need to stock up before the prices jump up.


          I ordered some beef short ribs from a local butcher about 10 days ago. He called and said there's no way he'd pay what his supplier was asking and pass that cost onto me. They were breaking down a locally raised beef carcass and he sold me the short ribs at a more reasonable price. Still not "cheap", but a way better value. Gotta love a small town.


            Feed, water, and fuel prices are skyrocketing, meats gonna do the same


              Inflation Inflation Inflation.........Inflation

              But seriously, corn I think went from just over $2 to about $7

              A few hog processing plants were forced back into the 20th century. It all adds up.


                Almost the same exact cost increase at Costco.
                Last edited by Polarbear777; May 23, 2021, 01:23 PM.


                  One little pipeline scare and....


                    Being an electrician I’m seeing the same price increase on wire and boxes. Also good luck with finding 2 pole 30 amp breakers. Is Covid really influencing the price of meat? This is just nuts. Hopefully this won’t last long. Just makes you think twice now before buying that $70-100 brisket.


                      Originally posted by SullysSassySauce View Post
                      . Is Covid really influencing the price of meat? .
                      I think it's a burst of activity and catchup as the economy opens back up. Projects that were delayed out of 2020 are now being done or scheduled and so you have a burst of demand. I mean, that's not the WHOLE thing - there's no one cause - but I do think that's a lot of it.


                        Everything is goin up, some things way up, somethings just up. Saw a head line meat is hittin the pocket book. Shoot I was stunned to see bananas go up 20 cents a lb. BTW, this is not temporary.
                        Last edited by FireMan; May 23, 2021, 02:04 PM.


                          It's wherever you go


                            Here in Oregon, a very dry season is coming up. Not enough water for farmers or cattle. Time to raise prices.
                            The highest beef has ever been: the cow jumped over the moon. She steered with her utter instead of a rutter and been in orbit since June.

                            My, My when she passes by don't or it may drop in your eye.



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