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Greetin's from Bawlmer, hon!

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    Greetin's from Bawlmer, hon!

    Hiya folks! I'm Terry! I'm a computer nerd working and living in Maryland. I've loved cooking directly over fire since my grandfather used to take us camping and showed my brother and I how to make hobo pies, cook a hot dog on a stick, and make s'mores. Playing with meat and open fires is about as far away from programming and systems integration as it gets, so it's a great hobby with fantastic results! I've been visiting Amazing Ribs for a few years now for everything from recipes, tips, and techniques, to the nitty gritty scientific explanations of various bits and pieces of grilling and smoking science. I've had a few grills and smokers over the past few years, going in roughly this order:
    1. Started with a cheapo $25 charcoal grill that I picked up from a Sears Outlet on sale. I used until it literally fell apart on me after three years of heavy use. Without Meathead's primer on setting up grilling zones, I probably would have never figured out what the hell I was doing.
    2. Later I picked up the cheap $50 Brinkmann barrel smoker that every Home Depot has kicking around in the BBQ aisle. Once again, a little research around here really helped me get started and smoking some great food without too much error for all my trials, especially once I put together my first batch of Meathead's Memphis Dust. I still use that recipe, with a little tweak here and there just for some variety and out of morbid curiosity.
    3. An overgrown cheapo hibachi style grill that I "inherited" which was pretty much only useful for grilling veggies, hot dogs and burgers for parties while the other cheapo grills where cooking heftier chunks of meat or smoking something delicious.
    4. A four burner Char-Broil gas grill picked up from Lowe's that's been pretty well used for the last four or five years. It doesn't hold the heat super well and eats up propane, but it's kept covered and has held up quite well being outside all year.
    5. My newest toy is a "COS" Brinkmann Trailmaster horizontal smoker that my wife gave me for my birthday this year. It's the one that you can currently pick up at the warehouse club for about $250-300.
    I took some of the suggestions for horizontal smoker modifications like sealing up the small little gaps, lining the bottom with some firebricks to keep the heat, and adding a water pan in the firebox to great effect. I also picked up the $60 digital thermometer with the two probes and radio unit from Amazon to keep an eye on the heat without opening the smoker up to check temperatures. I've got some other suggested modifications from here on the back burner to see how it helps, like a gasket kit that's currently waiting for me at home in my mailbox. I'm sure a more expensive smoker with heavier materials and better manufacturing wouldn't need all these modifications, but considering the smoker was a gift, I'm ok tinkering with it. Plus it's kinda fun! I'm sure my next smoker will be something nicer.

    I'm sure you'll see me poking my head around the forums in the future. I have a pretty good "vaguely Asian" marinade that I've been working on for the past few years that I might put up here at some point. It might be difficult to make if you can't find a decent Asian grocery store near you. Plus I'm considering condensing the ingredients list to make it easier for people who don't think that buying everything that looks interesting at a store where you can't read most of the labels is a fun way to spend a Saturday morning. But who doesn't like buying soy sauce by the gallon, or live fish right out of the tank?

    Ok, enough rambling. I'll finish off by showing you the most recent fruits of my labor, some baby back ribs I smoked for my wife's father and my father this weekend for Father's day. The sauce on the ribs once I plated them was the Tennessee Hollerin' Whiskey Sauce that I made with Tin Cup whiskey for the whiskey reduction, and then using some Jack Daniels Honey whiskey that someone had left at my house for the last half cup or so. I'm glad I found a use for that Jack Daniels though, I prefer whiskey flavored whiskey. Please keep your cinnamon and honey out of my distilled spirits! :-)

    The ribs went on like this:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	11400976_10206749905250066_1895703493458718437_n.jpg
Views:	238
Size:	153.8 KB
ID:	91960

    And they came out like this:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	11248691_10206752683759527_5607883260336575389_n.jpg
Views:	177
Size:	122.3 KB
ID:	91961

    Well I think that's that for right now, I'll see ya around!

    Attached Files
    Last edited by tmelton; June 22, 2015, 03:49 PM. Reason: Grammar and spelling corrections because I are sometimes knot gud with proofreading.

    Welcome to the Pit Terry...and thanks for making me hungry


      Welcome aboard t!


        Welcome. People who like to tinker fit right in.


          Welcome Terry! Great first post!


            Welcome to The Pit tmelton! I agree with Pit Boss, great first post. So...I guess Wild Turkey American Honey is out of the question for you??

            Since this is your first post, please check out our homework assignment post for new members, it contains a few how-tos and please-dos.

            Also, it's very important that you add the domain to your email safe list in case you are ever drawn as our monthly Gold Medal Giveaway winner!

            Hope to hear & see more from you!



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