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Hello from Brooklyn, NY

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    Hello from Brooklyn, NY

    Hi everyone, just signed up to the club after doing some research on how to smoke my first brisket. Got a budget smoker, Masterbuilt 30in 2-Door gas smoker and it does the job. Been smoking mostly ribs for about a year now and once in a while fish. Also have a weber gas grill that i use about 3 or 4 times a week and i've been grilling for about 10 years now and got really good at it so trying to expand my expertese to smoking. Looking forward to smoking my first pork shoulder soon. Been making pulled pork in the oven and it's good but always missing the bark and the smokey flavor. Here's a picture of my brisket.


    Welcome Aboard, Dmitry!


      Welcome, looks pretty good, how was it?


      • DSilman
        DSilman commented
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        It was pretty good. I may have slightly over cooked it because I had to run out for about 3 hours right after i put it in foil cause it started stalling after hour 4 at around 150 degrees. When i got home the internal tempreture read 210. I kept it in the cooler for about 3 hours and it was still very warm and moist when i cut it. Had lots of juice still trapped in the foil that i served along side the brisket. I wanted a more smokier flavor. I used mesquite wood chips so maybe will try hickory next time.

      i think i have that same smoker. welcome to the pit!


      • DeusDingo
        DeusDingo commented
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        i have not done a WHOLE shoulder, but i doubt it would fit. i do butts without much issue. i just did 2 over the weekend. one was a little over 9 lbs and one was a little over 7 lbs and they took 24 hours. as far as brisket is concerned i have not done one yet. however i bought a whole packer and there is no way i will be able to get it it to fit on 1 rack. i would have to separate it out and even then i think i would have to have 2 flats. to be fair, though, it is a 18 lb whole packer.

      • DSilman
        DSilman commented
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        24 hours for a pork butt? That seems way too long. I never smoked a pork, i only made pulled pork in the oven in the past and it never took that long. I will be smoking some butts for a block party in July and hoping it won't take more than 12-14 hours to smoke.

      • DeusDingo
        DeusDingo commented
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        it is a long time but i keep my temps around 230 the whole time and it took 24 hours to get the meat up to 198 degrees and that is wrapped. my butt was 9.13 lbs so it was pretty big but even smaller butts have taken me well past 16 hours. my point is expect it to take a long time. if you happen to get the thing done in 12 hours or less let me know so i can ask you some questions. it's possible i'm doing something very wrong that i am unaware of. i have never tried it in the oven but this smoker leaks air like crazy so it is a different experience when cooking.

      Welcome to the Pit DS


        Welcome to the Pit!


          Hey there



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