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Justa Smokin in Brea

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    Justa Smokin in Brea

    New to the membership but not the site. Have read across this for MANY years and thought becoming a member was a "MUST" to support such a great resource. The "long" story is started with a Big Green Egg and used to for about 10 years but did mostly grilling on it (how little did I know . Passed that on to my sister (foolish move) when we moved as there was nowhere to store it til new house was built. Then bought a Charbroiler and a Brinkman water smoker and loved the direction I was going but realized after research that while you can get good results its a lot of work. Used the Brinkman for about two years while I saved up and shopped around. Came across the Klose Smoker and loved the thermal mass and size options but needed to save more money to buy. Finally bit the bullet on the Klose and bought a 60" offset barrel after going back and forth on email and the phone with Dave Klose (owner) and Dana, his sister (mostly Dana). Got in line with the custom build and got it 5 months later. This was thermal mass at its best but took me MANY tries to learn the obvious and just let smoker do the job once it was temp stable instead of trying to micromanage the pit. This is the point that in my wifes opinion I went crazy: New slow burn charcoal firebox, A computer wifi "Stoker" to control the thing as a "closed loop" system and on and on. Finally graduated back to just the pit only occasionally using the stoker when I was doing lots of meat and I got happier with the process. This "pit" was great but there is never an "end" to BBQ toys. Christmas 2017 my kids contributed to replacing my BGE and I bought an XLG one and am rediscovering the beauty of the Egg and love it again. Through most of this process I have learned basics (love the "Science" of brisket on this site) as well as novel approaches from this site and have passed that on to at least 20 of my friends who also use Amazing Ribs as the "go to " in Que.
    Last edited by swabby01; November 30, 2018, 10:48 AM. Reason: Grammar corrections on the edit - never see mistakes til I post

    Welcome from Florida. I have found that not being a member leaves me feeling like a knucklehead! So I returned. Happy Place!


      Welcome from Colorado ...


        Welcome from Maryland


          Welcome. If you're looking for lots of different ways to use that XL, and don't mind reading a little, this book is full of them. I picked it up after 12 years of owning a LBGE, and even then learned some new tricks: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0...?ie=UTF8&psc=1


          • LA Pork Butt
            LA Pork Butt commented
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            @ swabby01 EdF is right. This is a great book for exploring the various cookng methods on the Egg. You can approach it as a lesson a week.

          • EdF
            EdF commented
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            LA Pork Butt - I think you were the guy I learned about the book from!

          • LA Pork Butt
            LA Pork Butt commented
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            EdF I think you are correct. I spent some time trying different techniques and comparing notes with a friend. The stuffed pork chops are great.

          Welcome to The Pit from Madison, WI


            Welcome to the Pit from Southern Illinois! Glad to have you in with us.


              Welcome to The Pit.


                Welcome from southeast Michigan!


                  Welcome to the Pit for sure !!! My very first stick burner was by Klose, used to live about 5 miles from their shop. They still build nice rigs !!!




                      Welcome, eat good & have fun!


                        Huntington Beach welcomes you sir!!


                          Howdy from Kansas Territory, Welcome to Th Pit!
                          Lookin forward to learnin along with, an from ya!

                          Seems like a lot of us have had a Brinkmann in our BBQ Journey!


                            Many many years ago I had the Brinkmann too. Welcome to the PIT.



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