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I did not chicken out...

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    I did not chicken out...

    First cook in the smoker since mounting in trailer and third overall. This was another test with food included. I was able to stabalise the temp at 107c (225f) for a long period of time so am pleased to advise the cooker is cooperating for low and slow. I had planned to do a smoked mac & cheese using a recipe of texastweeter but was advised by the boss that I should first try preparing the more popular dishes so I’ve put that on hold (until tomorrow ).
    I picked up a fresh chicken 1.25Kg (2.8 pounds) and followed the instructions for Sweet Georgias Brown Smoked Yard Bird as I still had MMD. The problem I had was getting the temp up to 325f. After some adjustments and a long wait I finally gave in at 130c (270f) and closed the door on the bird. I had a few things to take care of inside and when I checked a while later the temp was hovering around 290f and again I left it unattended. About an hour forty five minutes after putting the bird in the temp was at 310f and I stayed to monitor. Temp rose steadily over the next 15 min and with some tweaking managed to hold the temp at 330f. I did not want to open the door andlet the bird cook for 2 ¼ hours before internal temp check. The thigh meat was 190f.
    I ate both the wings immediately and pulled some thigh for myself and breast for the wife served in a pita bread with a small amount of lemon mayo. Well if this is the taste of things to come im in for a treat and so are my future customers.
    Thanks to AR and all who have helped with advise along the way.
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    save any for me? that looks tasty


      Since you didn’t mention it, I’d leave water out of the pans for a 325F cook.

      Glad you liked the bird! It looks great.


      • holehogg
        holehogg commented
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        The water dried up some time towards the end of the cook and skin was crispy'ish.

      Was it a bit dry? 190* sounds a bit high for my tastes. I shoot for 160* breast/ 175* thigh. Pix look good though !!! Glad you're getting it ready for some serious barbecuing.


      • holehogg
        holehogg commented
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        Yip it was a bit but didn't want to open and close door for temp check. Still tasted good.

      Looks good


        Try to cook it, cut in half. I like that way the best. I find that it cooks a bit more even.


        • holehogg
          holehogg commented
          Editing a comment
          Will do sir.

        Nice cook


          yard bird is so versatile. Good job. next time try pulling it at about 155 ish on the breast and it will climb to 160, and the thighs i want to climb to 175ish will be much juicer. Also try dry brining, injecting, and butterballing, makes a world of difference. Let me know what you think of my bacon mac & triple cheese.


          • holehogg
            holehogg commented
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            Did dry brine for about 3 hours and will definitely be pull it earlier when i have better equipment. will keep you abreast on the mac & cheese


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