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Hello from Bangkok

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    Hello from Bangkok

    Hello fellows,

    Could not resist anymore. After 5 years using the AmazingRibs website (thanks Meathead and team) I had to join the Pitmaster Club although I can't call myself a master. Nevertheless I enjoy the grilling like nothing else. Suffering a bit lately as I am without the BBQ (in the move until we settle properly) while in a condo where BBQ is prohibited, so either I will sneak a small one in or I will bring a portable when going outside. Originally from France (unfortunately no BBQ tradition to speak of but a fairly good cooking tradition), after 4 wonderful years in the Silicon Valley I have been roaming in South East Asia for 20 years now and married in Thailand, 3 kids later I am back in Bangkok. Thais have a pretty good grilling tradition with chicken, pork and seafood as well as an unparalleled sense of fun.

    I might as well start contributing, however modestly, to the pit master club. Let me share a Thai recipe of marinade for chicken drumsticks, wings or thighs. Like any Thai recipe, the exact proportions are almost a foreign concept and one needs to adjust to his own taste, sense of fun and enjoyment of chili heat.

    Mash in a pestle a handful of garlic cloves (adjust as per your liking) and 1 tbsp of whole black pepper (otherwise grind it coarsely) and 1 bunch of coriander (try to get the whole branch, use the roots as well they have a wonderful flavour). Add 2 tbsp of Oyster sauce, 1 tbsp of soy sauce, 1 dash of fish sauce (for saltiness), and 1 cup of milk.

    Soak the chicken drumsticks in the marinade a few hours or overnight in your fridge. Remove from marinade and through on the grill.
    Grill on a low fire or use indirect cooking with the top of the BBQ closed until cooked throughout. They should shave a nice golden look by then. Finish them off over hot fire to char them a bit.

    Our guests never left any and complimented us. Credit should go to my wife.


    Welcome T-Bo! Sounds like you've had quite the adventurous life thus far. Thanks for joining, and for your excellent first contribution the The Pit! I'm going to move this to the Introduce Yourself thread, it fits in there a little better. Would you mind copying your Thai recipe to the Recipes > Rubs Pastes & Marinades thread? This way we can keep things organized and it will be searchable by many in the future.

    Also, great job on your signature, but let's get it filled out the rest of the way by adding your equipment (even if it's not with you right now) and any BBQ accessories, thermometers, wish list items, etc you might have.

    And again, welcome! We look forward to seeing you around here more. One more thing, check out the picture posting writeup, it explains the best way to post some nice big pictures here for everyone to enjoy!


      Hey T, WELCOME!



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